People and skills Trends, change and measurement Michael Davis Chief Executive – UKCES
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The Future of Work
Trends shaping future UK jobs and skills 5
Disruptive scenario for 2030
Jobs and skills in 2030
This time was different Productivity behaved differently Data from ONS Labour Productivity and ONS International Comparisons of Productivity.
Estimating GDP is complex
Intangible assets
Have we been measuring the right things? Data from INTAN-invest. Cited analysis is from Goodridge, Haskel and Wallis, 2013.
How to deliver growth through people: 5 priorities Employers should lead on skills and government should enable them Workplace productivity should be recognised as the key route to increasing pay and prosperity Education and employers should be better connected to prepare people for work Success should be measured by a wider set of outcomes, not just educational attainment ‘ Earning and learning’ should be the gold standard in vocational education
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