Alcohol----and the facts!!! Is it right for you? Learn how to make healthy decisions. decisions.
What is the ingredient in alcohol that makes it intoxicating? Ethanol It acts as an anesthetic and puts the brain to sleep.
How does alcohol affect the body? It slows down the central nervous system. Acts as a Depressant
If it acts as a depressant, don’t my organs slow down? My heart rate begins to slow down My breathing begins to slow down
Lets clear up some myths about alcohol? It is not a stimulant Caffeine will not sober a person up Food will not keep you from becoming intoxicated
More myths to clarify Beer is not safer than wine or hard liquor Alcoholism is in fact a disease Alcohol does not prevent heart disease.
What are the different types of alcohol? Beer Wine Liquor
How much alcohol is in each type? In one can or bottle of beer (12 oz), there is 5 % alcohol. In a ½ glass or 5 oz. of wine, there is approximately 12% alcohol. In 1 1/2 oz. of liquor, there is approximately 40% alcohol.
Can alcohol affect people differently? It depends upon 4 things: Amount consumed Body weight Gender Attitude
After you drink alcohol, where in the body does it go? 1 st --stomach 2 nd--- small intestines 3 rd -bloodstream 4 th--- brain 5 th--- liver
How long does it take alcohol to affect the brain? 30 seconds
What does B.A.C stand for? Blood Alcohol Content .08 is the legal limit in most states.
What happens after a person reaches the legal limit? Blurred Vision Slurred Speech Poor muscle control. Reaction time decreases Judgment impaired
What B.A.C level will induce a coma? .4 After.5, death usually occurs
What organ breaks down alcohol? Liver The liver’s primary job is to break down toxins, but when there is too much alcohol, the liver is busy trying to break that down instead. The filter breaks
How long does it take to get alcohol out of your body? 1 hour = 1.2 oz A hangover is a sign of alcohol poisoning. This is withdrawal
What are the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal or a hangover? Cramps Vomiting Elevated blood pressure Sweating Dilated pupils Sleep problems Diarrhea Convulsions
What is alcoholism? Chronic disease influenced by: Genetics Social factors Environmental factors
What are 3 liver disorders caused by alcoholism? Fatty liver Alcoholic hepatitis Cirrhosis— scarring of the liver
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome? Caused when a fetus is infected with too much alcohol.
What are some characteristics of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome? Low birth weight Physical deformities Heart defects Joint and limb deformities Mental handicaps
How does one get help for alcoholism? Contact an organization Maintain motivation and determination to recover Receive support from family and friends.
Is alcohol right for you? Only you can make the decision to put certain things into your body. Use your own judgment