America Divided Over Vietnam How are Americans split over the Vietnam War?
VC tough to fight, had elaborate system of underground tunnels P How did you enter a VC tunnel? 2. What was found inside the tunnels? 3) How could they defend from attacks? To destroy VC tunnels US starts using Napalm & Agent Orange (Napalm burns trees, AO is chemical defoliant) War of Attrition 300,000 troops in Vietnam by 1967, SV citizens hate US soldiers due to search & destroy, US troop morale sinking rocks-vietnam-soldier#tet-offensive- surprises-americans
The Anti-War Movement Congress begins a draft lottery begins for all year old males Anti-war movement begins, the “New Left” is gaining a voice 1.Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), use civil disobedience 2.Free Speech Movement (FSM) UC Berkeley – used sit-ins Colleges try to stop protests on campus, more people join 1967: Public opinion poll find most American disagree w/ war, nation divided: hawks support war, doves against war Boxing champion Muhammad Ali refuses induction into military, citing personal & religious reasons “I ain’t got no quarrel with them Vietcong”
Tet Offensive LBJ & Westmoreland assure public victory is in sight 1967: Secy of Defense Robert McNamara resigns Televising the war & cutting Great Society programs is creating a credibility gap w/ Johnson Admin. 1968: Turning point in war is when N. Vietnamese & VC attack during Tet Offensive, reach US embassy in Saigon March 1968: LBJ decides not to seek re-election history/videos/tet-offensive VQ: Why is Tet a turning point in the war?