Reasons for participation and non-participation in physical activities Some people show no interest in sports whatsoever but are nonetheless interested in keeping healthy and try to do some exercise as well as being careful what they eat
Reasons for getting involved in sport and following an active, healthy lifestyle
Benefits to health and fitness – sport can make us fitter and therefore healthier Benefits to well-being – certain hormones are released during exercise which can help us to feel more optimistic about life and better about ourselves Relief from stress –people often use sport as an escape from the pressure of working life. Through sport we can release some of our pent- up frustrations and aggressions (e.g. by hitting a squash ball really hard)
Learning new skills and making progress – this produces a sense of accomplishment Competition – many people get a great deal of pleasure and satisfaction out of testing their own capabilities by competing with others Meeting new people and making friends To live longer
To improve or maintain their image As a hobby – something to do To please or to copy parents/role models As a job or vocation To enjoy oneself
Reasons for non-participation in physical activity In all age groups there are people who do not participate in physical activity or follow an active, healthy lifestyle. More and more people are now obese and there is an increase in diseases linked to poor lifestyle such as diabetes type 2, some cancers and cardiovascular disease.
Reasons for non-participation in physical activity
The main reasons for not participating are: Health problems Disability Injury Reliance on cars and other technologies Lack of time and other pressures Lack of opportunity and access to facilities Lack of money Discrimination Peer pressure Cultural factors Lack of confidence and self esteem Lack of encouragement and positive role models