Italy Fred Clark
Italy is located in the continent of Europe, just below the countries Switzerland and Austria Italy is in both Northern and Western hemispheres of Europe Italy is in the southern region of Europe Italy ecosystem is at its worse with the remaining oil from a cruise ship capsized off the Tuscan coast is polluting the water
Italy has a population of 60,626,442 Italy’s highest mountain is Mont Blanc, not counting that part of that mountain is in France, if you do count it then Gran Paradiso is the highest mountain COMPLETELY in Italy Italy’s lowest point is the Mediterranean Sea, it is 17,280 feet deep in recorded history Italy’s largest body of water is a lake called Lake Garda, measuring 16.7 kilometers wide and 51.9 kilometers in length
Italy’s capitol is Rome
France, Switzerland, Austria, and Slovenia are the countries that borders Italy Italy’s average income (per person) is $20,941 Italy’s national animal is the Italian wolf