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This PWG was responsible for a PPG on HBT for PRL.
What is Global/Hadron?
The number of PHENIX detectors operating in Run-07 (we hope!) that were not taking data in Run-02.
This is what PHENIX looked like in 1994 after budget cuts eliminated construction of the North Muon Arm.
What is a turkey?
These proposed experiments eventually merged to form PHENIX.
What are TALES, SPARHC, Dimuon, and OASIS?
The answer to life, the universe, and everything as well as the number of PHENIX Ph.D. theses awarded during Bill Zajc’s leadership as spokesperson ( ).
What is 42?
The current number of PHENIX papers published in peer- reviewed journals.
What is 47?
This 2002 PRL is the overall top- cited RHIC paper.
What is the PHENIX paper on high-p T hadron suppression in 130-GeV Au+Au collisions, “Suppression of hadrons with large transverse momentum in central Au+Au collisions at s NN = 130 GeV”?
This theoretical nuclear physicist coined the term “quark-gluon plasma” in a 1980 review in Physics Reports.
Who is Edward Shuryak?
This was the number of PHENIX manuscripts that appeared simultaneously in the January 26, 2006 issue of PRL.
What is three?
W.A. Zajc is the sole author of a 1987 PRD that became a SPIRES 50+ topcite in 2002, including citation in the manual of this popular event generator.
What is PYTHIA?
This is PHENIX’s answer to, “Give me five.”
What is the pentaquark?
This UK radio station broadcasts traffic reports only when there are collisions.
What the BBC?
Despite a common misconception that random event-by-event p T fluctuations follow a Gaussian distribution, they in fact follow this statistical distribution.
What is a gamma distribution?
Though this detector is lower, its data is always higher.
What is the PbGl?
This N coll substitute still needs to be announced.
What is T BA ?
This PHENIX paper took 1099 days from PPG formation to publication.
What is PPG029, “Jet properties from dihadron correlations in p+p collisions at s = 200 GeV”?
For PHENIX this Italian city is only a day trip from Monte Carlo on a simulated trip to Europe.
What is PISA?
These “modes of transportation” are used by many members of PHENIX.
What are trains and taxis?
This might be on the agenda when a student, a convenor, and the spokesperson meet in the Large Seminar Room.
What is PHENIX plenary?
More than 500 people from 52 institutions in 13 countries work on this experiment.
What is STAR?
This noted nuclear physicist was born 26 years and 355 days after physics Nobel Laureate T.D. Lee.
Who is Bill Zajc?
He co-authored with Michael Riordan an article for the May 2006 issue of Scientific American entitled “The First Few Microseconds.”
Who is Bill Zajc?
In his Ph.D. thesis at UC Berkeley, this nuclear physicist pioneered the technique of using Hanbury-Brown-Twiss correlations to study heavy ion collisions.
Who is Bill Zajc?
During his college years at Caltech with now-noted string theorist Joe Polchinski, this student was quoted as saying, “You haven’t smelled anything until you’ve smelled Polchinski’s.”
Who is Bill Zajc?
This well-known nuclear physicist was honored in 2006 for his many years of dedicated service to and leadership within the heavy ion physics community by having a Wikipedia page created in his name.
Who is Bill Zajc?