Essay Breakdown
Intro Paragraph (Top Slice) Hook- a sentence that grabs the reader’s attention and makes them want to continue reading. Sometimes a question, sometimes a scenario. Ex. Have you ever been sitting in class and gotten the sudden urge to check your Instagram? Context/Background- Information the reader needs to know to understand the point of the essay. Ex. Many students say they’ve had a similar urge. Some cannot resist the temptation. Thanks to the combination of social media and technology, students are connected 24/7 with their peers and friends. Thesis- The answer to the question being asked. In this case, the question is “Are students addicted to technology?” Ex. Students are becoming increasingly addicted to technology thanks to apps like facebook, Instagram, and snapchat.
Body Paragraphs (Meat) The body paragraph is where your analysis and evidence supports your thesis. There is a simple format you can follow to create a perfect body paragraph.
Body Paragraph (pt. 2) TS: Topic sentence- introduce your reader to what you will be talking about Ex: Student attention spans are getting shorter. CD: Concrete detail- your evidence Ex: For example, some teachers notice that they cannot hold their students’ attention for more than a few minutes at a time. CM: Commentary- analysis of evidence and why it supports your thesis Ex: In the world of instant gratification, technology allows immediate satisfaction digitally wherein the real world becomes drab and boring. CS: Closing sentence- wrap up the paragraph Ex: Attention spans might be shorter, but learning can still happen.
Concluding Paragraph (Bottom Slice) Restate the main idea of your paragraph Summarize your three points (body paragraphs) Leave your reader with a final and lasting impression