Team: FOXTROT Mentor: Dan Rusinak Crew: Ali, Mudassir Drake, Stephen Meaux, Kevin Sieve, Brandon Foxtrot, University of Illinois at Chicago 1
Is Cobalt a better choice for a catalyst as compared to Iron? ◦ Catalyst comparison: $8/lb Fe vs. $40/lb Co ◦ Fe gives a better alpha value for wax (0.95) when compared to Co (0.92) ◦ The diesel output of Fe plants (58%) are similar to Co plants (60%) Foxtrot, University of Illinois at Chicago 3 Co prices tend to be volatile compared to iron. Also need to contend with hazardous waste disposal.
How to model the SCBR? ◦ On a preliminary level we will avoid modeling the SCBR by using the syncrude composition predicted by De Klerk ◦ If time is available for further modeling we plan to use an equilibrium reactor simulation in Aspen Foxtrot, University of Illinois at Chicago 4
5 What role does the rwgs reaction play? ◦ The functional form of Keq for the wgs is ◦ Keq(603 K) is 142 ◦ The rwgs reaction is not thermodynamically favored ◦ We will need to look at kinetics to see if wgs significantly effects our feed requirements
Energy Density (Btu/gal) $/MM Btu Energy Efficiency $/ MM Btu of Product Natural Gas 140$3.2444%$7.43 Crude Oil 138,000$ %$ Foxtrot, University of Illinois at Chicago6
7 Area 1 SBCR Area 2 Alkylation/ Separation Units Area 3 Hydrocracker/ Separation Units Area 4 Transportation fuels
Foxtrot, University of Illinois at Chicago 8 FT Reaction Hydrocracking Alkylation
Foxtrot, University of Illinois at Chicago 9 FT Reaction Area PFD
Foxtrot, University of Illinois at Chicago 10 Arno De Clerk
Foxtrot, University of Illinois at Chicago 11 Material Balance for FT Reaction Area Stream No Description Syngas Feed H2 Permeate Syngas to Reactor Wax Fischer- Tropsch Products Recycle Hot Condensat e Fischer- Tropsch Products Cold Condens ate Aqueous Products Tail Gas Hot and Cold Condensate Unit lb-mol/hr CO H N H2O CO C C2 alkene C2 alkane C3-C4 alkene C3-C4 alkane C5-C10 alkene C5-C10 alkane C5-C10 oxygenate C11-C22 alkene C11-C22 alkane C11-C22 oxygenate C22+ alkene C22+ alkane aqueous alcohol aqueous carboxylic acid Total
Foxtrot, University of Illinois at Chicago 12 h 603k KJ/Kgmole h 603 K Btu/lbmole 3 (lbmol/hr) 4 (lbmol/hr) 5 (lbmol/hr) h in Btu/hr h out Btu/hr CO H N H2O CO C C2 alkene C2 alkane C3-C4 alkene C3-C4 alkane C5-C10 alkene C5-C10 alkane C5-C10 oxygenate C11-C22 alkene C11-C22 alkane C11-C22 oxygenate C22+ alkene C22+ alkane aqueous alcohol aqueous carboxylic acid total Q reactor= Btu/hour Q reactor= MW Energy Balance for FT Reaction Area
Foxtrot, University of Illinois at Chicago 13 Akylation Area PFD
Foxtrot, University of Illinois at Chicago 14 Hydrocracking Area PFD
Alkylation vs. Oligomerization o Foxtrot needed a process to convert LPG, Naptha, and Distillate olefins to heavier hydrocarbons o Oligomerization tends to be more expensive; it requires more H2, more expensive catalyst, and produces straight chain alkanes o Alkylation reacts olefins with paraffins which produces twice as much high quality naptha product o Alkylation also has the advantage of producing branched naptha (a very high quality naptha), which can be blended with lower-quality naptha produced by hydrocracker o Diesel with lower Cetane rating can be blended with high-quality diesel to improve cold weather properties 15 Foxtrot, University of Illinois at Chicago 15
Foxtrot, University of Illinois at Chicago 16 <5000 BPD plant has TIC of $120,000 to $150,000 per BPD >20,000 BPD plant has TIC of $75,000 to $100,000 per BPD These values include an SMR/ATR unit, but no alkylation unit FT synthesis/refining accounts for 35% of TIC Therefore, TIC = 210 – 262 MM$ We will produce 80k lb/day of steam *Estimates obtained from private communication with Rentech
Foxtrot, University of Illinois at Chicago 17 Per Gallon [2] Per Barrel Barrel/Year (Million) Annual Revenue (Million) Diesel Fuel $3.97$ $177 Naptha$3.63$ $40 Jet Fuel$3.30$ $36 LPG$0.99$420.14$6 Total1.72$259
US Geological Survey, Minerals Commodities Summaries. Dividing Wall Columns, Michael A. Schultz, Douglas G. Stewart, James M. Harris, Steven P. Rosenblum, Mohammed S. Shakur and Dennis E. O’Brien UOP. Dividing Wall Columns,2010 AiChE, Jacobs consultancy. STRATCO, Alkylation unit. Bechtel Article, 2001 M E DRY, 2008 Fischer Tropsch refining, arno de klerk. US Energy Information Administration, Foxtrot, University of Illinois at Chicago 18
Foxtrot, University of Illinois at Chicago 19 Questions please.
Sequence Distillation A (lightest) B ( Middle) C (Heaviest) Foxtrot, University of Illinois at Chicago20
Energy lost Thermal inefficiency Foxtrot, University of Illinois at Chicago21
Foxtrot, University of Illinois at Chicago22
. Foxtrot, University of Illinois at Chicago23
Because the Petlyuk arrangement has fewer pieces of major equipment than does the conventional two-column sequence, total capital costs may be reduced. Foxtrot, University of Illinois at Chicago24
. Foxtrot, University of Illinois at Chicago25
Reduces the energy cost by 30% Reduces equipment cost by 50% Reduction is the capital cost by 40% Foxtrot, University of Illinois at Chicago26
Alkylation is a major way of upgrading petroleum Formation of heavier highly branched alkanes from the reaction between isobutanes and alkenes. Foxtrot, University of Illinois at Chicago27
Foxtrot, University of Illinois at Chicago28
Foxtrot, University of Illinois at Chicago29
Foxtrot, University of Illinois at Chicago30
Utilizes a liquid-full reactor system where the heat of reaction is removed with an internal heat exchanger. Vaporization is prevented by maintaining the reactor system at sufficient pressure. The obvious advantage of the liquid-full system (STRATCO ) is that the isobutane remains in the liquid state continuously available for reaction in higher concentrations. Foxtrot, University of Illinois at Chicago31
Easy operation No worries about the acid or hydrocarbon levels in the reactor system High internal circulation rates for even heat dissipation Highly dispersed hydrocarbon in acid emulsion Foxtrot, University of Illinois at Chicago32
Increased interfacial catalyst area provided by mixing Reduced acid consumption Superior quality alkylate 1.5 octane number advantage Ease of reactor operation Foxtrot, University of Illinois at Chicago33
Upgrading waxes to alkanes It is a hydrogen addition technology that removes heteroatoms, increases the H:C ratio of the product It is nearly isothermal giving a conversion of 70-80% conversion of wax to products Will use a divided wall column and a low pressure column to separate products Foxtrot, University of Illinois at Chicago34
Foxtrot, University of Illinois at Chicago35