The Bald Eagle Our National Emblem By Braxxton and Isac
About the Bald Eagle My symbol is the Bald Eagle. Members of the congress chose the Bald Eagle to be our national bird. The Bald Eagle became our national emblem in 1782.
History/Background When the population of people increased, the population of Bald Eagles decreased. The Bald Eagle stands for high-flying freedom and courage. The Bald Eagle is important because it is our country’s national symbol.
Interesting Facts The male’s wing-span is 7feet wide. The female’s wing-span is 12feet wide. The Bald Eagle has amazing eye sight. They can fly up to 200mph. The Bald Eagle’s nests are the size and weight of a pickup truck.
Bibliography Johnson, Linda. Our National Symbols Brookfield: Millbrook, October Rutledge, Hope. “The Bald Eagle-An American Emblem” American Bald Eagle Information 2011 Rutledge, Hope. “The Bald Eagle-An American Emblem” American Bald Eagle Information 2011