Project SOAR II “Successful Options for Academic Readiness” Project SOAR II is a GEAR-UP Initiative funded by the U.S. Dept. of Education California State University East Bay Foundation
Summary Project SOAR II is the second 6 year cycle of a US Department of Education GEAR-UP grant. Cycle I began with the 7th Grade Class of The Class of 2005 (Cycle I) had the highest OUSD graduation rate in 10 years. Cycle II began with the 7 th Grade cohort of 2005; on track to graduate in The Cycle II cohort are currently 10 th Graders.
Familiar faces from the last cohort- Class of 2005!
Project SOAR students today:
GEAR-UP GEAR-UP: Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs A US Department of Education grant supporting high-school retention and college readiness in Title I schools, through long range, cohort-based programs Funding for GEAR-UP began in 1998 under the leadership of President Bill Clinton. Project SOAR II is the only GEAR-UP program serving students in the Oakland Unified School District.
Project Goals Supporting low-income youth to become aware of the importance of preparing early for college Is intended to support systemic change at the secondary and post secondary levels that over time will increase the number of low-income youth to attend and succeed in college Insert picture of students
Description of Project SOAR II Year 4 of a 6-year project begun in 2005 Target Group: Cohort of 7 th graders in Cohort of 7 th graders in Current 10 th graders in Current 10 th graders in College Freshman in September, 2011 College Freshman in September, 2011
Project SOAR II High Schools Castlemont Community -Business & Information -Business & Information Technology Technology -East Oakland School of the Arts -East Oakland School of the Arts -Leadership Preparatory -Leadership Preparatory Fremont Federation -College Prep & Architecture -College Prep & Architecture -Media College Prep -Media College Prep -Mandela -Mandela -Robeson School Visual & Performing Arts -Robeson School Visual & Performing Arts Life Academy McClymonds Community -Best -Best -Excel -Excel Met West Oakland International Oakland Technical Oakland High School Skyline High School Youth Empowerment School (YES )
Project SOAR II & OUSD Project SOAR II is a federal GEAR-UP Partnership Grant established as a partnership between: Project SOAR II is a federal GEAR-UP Partnership Grant established as a partnership between: The local higher education institution (IHE): The local higher education institution (IHE): Cal State University East Bay Foundation Cal State University East Bay Foundation The local education agency (LEA): The local education agency (LEA): Oakland Unified School DistrictOakland Unified School District
Project SOAR II & OUSD GEAR – UP Partnership Grants mandate a dollar-for-dollar, annual documentation of non-federal contributions, or “Match”. GEAR – UP Partnership Grants mandate a dollar-for-dollar, annual documentation of non-federal contributions, or “Match”. The “Match” contributions can take the form of in-kind, time/effort costs, cash, resources and supplies, or service contributions. The “Match” contributions can take the form of in-kind, time/effort costs, cash, resources and supplies, or service contributions. Project SOAR II must document a “Match” of 2.8 million dollars annually.
Project SOAR II “Successful Options for Academic Readiness” STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT Academic Strand Parent Strand Partnership Strand Systemic Strand data driven
Project Strands Academic Systemic Parent Education Community Partnerships
Academic Strand Academic Support and Enhancement Tutorial (in school and extended day) Tutorial (in school and extended day) Counseling (one on one student support) Counseling (one on one student support) Individual Student Plan (ISP)Individual Student Plan (ISP) Student Intervention Plan (SIP)Student Intervention Plan (SIP)
Academic Strand College Preparation / Career Exploration College Visitations / Job Shadowing College Visitations / Job Shadowing Career Exploration Faire Career Exploration Faire Technology Take-Home Computer Program Take-Home Computer Program 10 th Grade Summer Program – Summer 2009 Partnership between Project SOAR & OUSD Partnership between Project SOAR & OUSD Academic Enrichment / Early College Access Academic Enrichment / Early College Access Targeted Intervention / CAHSEE Targeted Intervention / CAHSEE
Systemic Strand Promotion of a Data-Driven System Build capacity to track and report student progress Build capacity to track and report student progress Professional Development Use of student data to inform professional development needs. Use of student data to inform professional development needs. Build leadership capacity Build leadership capacity Comprehensive Planning at Each School Site Coordination of Program and Partner Services Vertical Articulation of cohort 7 th to 12 th grades Sharing of “best-practices” for promoting college-going culture
Parent Strand Parent Liaison team provides outreach support Increase parent involvement at all SOAR sites Increase parent awareness of college access requirements Provide parents with the tools/resources needed for academic planning
Partnership Strand Increase resources to support cohort through: ScholarshipsScholarships MentoringMentoring Take-Home Computer ProgramTake-Home Computer Program Sponsoring Activities and EventsSponsoring Activities and Events Teacher Training in Content AreasTeacher Training in Content Areas Counselor TrainingCounselor Training Summer ProgramsSummer Programs Access to local Partner FacilitiesAccess to local Partner Facilities
Focus Areas for Year 4 (10 th Grade) PSAT Preparation and Participation CAHSEE Preparation and Proficiency Levels ( Scores > 380! ) Local College Visits Awareness and fulfillment of A-G Requirements