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Spelling Bodies of Water Mesopotamia Mummification Egyptian Culture Eyeball Benders
____um___y A 100
What is Mummy A 100
__ r__ i __ a __ i __ n A 200
What is irrigation A 200
P_p__r__s A 300
What is papyrus A 300
_ y _am _ d__ A 400
What are pyramids A 400
P_ly__h__i__ __ A 500
What is polytheism A 500
B 100 This sea is where the Nile Delta empties
What is the Mediterranean Sea B 100
B 200 This river is known as the Giver and Taker of Life
What is The Nile River B 200
B 300 These rapids prevent easy access up the Nile River
What are the cataracts B 300
B 400 The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers flow into this body of water
What is The Persian Gulf B 400
B 500 This sea is located to the east of the Nile River
What is the Red Sea B 500
This ruler gained control of Mesopotamia with his code of laws C 100
Who was Hammurabi C 100
This civilization collapsed before Hammurabi and was ruled by Sargon C 200
What is Sumer C 200
This method allowed settlers in Mesopotamia to successfully farm C 300
What is irrigation C 300
The Wheel and other technologies were two contributions of this civilization C 400
What is the Sumerian Civilization C 400
Surplus food led to people having specific responsibilities within a culture C 500
What are social divisions C 500
This organ was the only one left in body of the mummy D 100
What is the heart D 100
Bodies were wrapped in this D 200
What is linen D 200
A coffin where pharaohs were buried D 300
What is a sarcophagus D 300
Organs were placed in these jars D 400
What are canopic jars D 400
Pharaohs were buried with belongings for this life D 500
What is after life D 500
The rich silt surrounding the Nile River is known as E 100
What is Black Land E 100
The form of writing Ancient Egyptians used is E 200
What is hieroglyphics E 200
Hieroglyphics was first interpreted on this stone E 300
What is The Rosetta Stone E 300
You would strive to move up levels within this E 400
What is the Social Pyramid E 400
Egyptians believed this god was the “father of fathers” E 500
What is Re or Ra E 500
F 100
What is the social pyramid F 100
F 200
What is a mummy F 200
F 300
What is the Nile River F 300
F 400
What is Cuneiform F 400
F 500
What is the Papyrus Plant F 500
The Final Jeopardy Category is: Ancient Egyptian Contributions Click on screen to begin
This common type of chart invented by the Ancient Egyptians to track the flooding of the Nile River Click on screen to continue
What is the calendar Click on screen to continue
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