Multicultural Hearts, Minds and Voices Welcome to the K-12 World Language Program in the Menasha Joint School District
All students in the Menasha Joint School District will have the chance to experience and learn: another language the culture of the peoples that speak that language
All Students in Menasha: Learn another language starting in Kindergarten Have the option to continue their study of FL through 12th grade
CONTENT-RELATED FLES INSTRUCTION INTEGRATING REINFORCING and Other areas of the Elementary School Curriculum Ay Carumba
When Menasha Began it’s FLES program in 1993, the major needs were…………….
Finding a communicative basis for the FL instruction Finding ways to reinforce and enrich the existing elementary curriculum Finding a means of working with classroom teachers to promote cooperation and address concerns about taking away time in the classroom
Time Allotments for FL study at the Elementary School
Communicative Emphasis All Students Participate Instruction in Regular Classroom Setting Content-Related O Tannenbaum Uno, dos, tres..
CONFLICT WITH REGULAR ELEMENTARY STAFF Math Social Studies Language Arts Science
When is there time for FL instruction? Show benefits through research on WL in the elementary school Integration(somewhat) solves the time problem Teaching multicultural curriculum (state and national standards)
On average, children need to hear information and/or concepts 11 times before memorization takes place (adults need 22 times) roho,red,roho,red,roho,red,roho,red,roho,red,roho
Fosters Critical Thinking Skills
Regular classroom teacher can use during instruction てをあげて! Raise your hand!
Gain multicultural insights
New, exciting, challenging and fun!
Beyond Beyond Elementary School Students continuing from elementary school will have the option to take “ 2 ” college level courses during HS (equal to college credits). 70% of students opt to continue their FL study through MS and HS. Students are using their experiences and knowledge from FL classes to enhance their academic careers.
BENEFITS BEYOND THE FL CLASSROOM Students at the HS level planning their futures that include views of the larger “ world ” beyond their city borders PStandardized test scores at the K-12 level that have held steady or increased over the past 17 years PA marked increase in the number of families and students participating in multicultural learning experiences
FL Instruction FL Goals Core Curriculum Goals
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back…………
Determined program goals (long and short term) Mission, Vision, Value and Goals from the start
Planned schedules and workloads that lead to teacher burnout. -interact with numerous classroom teachers -develop curriculum and materials -communicate with parents and community -build public relations
SINK OR SWIM……. Launching an early language program without sufficient planning --not enough time for implementation --not enough involvement of the rest of the school community
-World Languages were treated the same as other academic subjects.
Implemented an entire new program one grade level/one year at a time K Middle School
Dealt with critical articulation issues from the beginning (not left for later)
Relied on the use of the Target Language rather than English for communication in the world language classroom. 日本語で?
Made language choices based on attention to other important factors (not based on popularity)
Considered language and teaching skills Considered particular type of PR skills, skills in a particular language, etc. Hired the Teachers we needed for the program, not the credentials
Held district-wide planning meetings. Involved community Involved classroom and language teachers (at all levels, administrators) Establish core planning committee Initial planning involved many different groups
Allocated budget “but” never “determined” in the beginning how it would “play” out after K-5 programs -staff -materials -inservice -miscellaneous costs BUDGET
-Planned for articulation with secondary school programs -Developed a plan for program evaluation -Disseminated program information -Developed curriculum Located and adapted materials Planned scope and sequence, classroom materials and activities
Designed, searched for and implemented public relations and advocacy strategies
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