Angelfish Over 70 different species of Angelfish are found in warm ocean waters around much of the world; a few species are from fresh water. Angelfish belong to the family Pomacanthus. These brightly-colored fish live in coral reefs in tropical seas and shallow subtropical waters. Angelfish reproduce by laying hundreds of eggs at a time.
Emperor Angelfish Anatomy: The Emperor Angelfish grows to be about 12 to 15 inches (30-38 cm) in the wild. Angelfish have a flattened body. The first gill cover has a spine; this can help distinguish Angelfish from the closely-related butterfly fish. Diet: The Emperor Angelfish is a carnivore (meat-eater), eating coral heads, small invertebrates (like worms and sponges), and crustaceansinvertebratescrustaceans (like shrimp and shellfish).shrimp They can crush hard-shelled prey with their powerful, beak-like jaws. Most species of Angelfish are herbivores (plant-eaters).