International Conference EU perspectives and current standing of the countries in the region in the Stabilization and Association Process Regional and.


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Presentation transcript:

International Conference EU perspectives and current standing of the countries in the region in the Stabilization and Association Process Regional and Cross-border Cooperation Programmes in the Republic of Serbia Sanda Šimić Belgrade, 7-8 December 2005 Government of the Republic of Serbia Ministry of International Economic Relations

REGIONAL INITIATIVES IN SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO   South Eastern Europe Stability Pact (SEE SP)   South Eastern Europe Cooperation Initiative (SEECI)   Central European Initiative (CEI)   Adriatic – Ionian Initiative   Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization (BSEC)   South Eastern Europe Cooperation Process (SEECP)

EU Neighbourghood Programmes in SCG CBC Programme Hungary-Romania and Hungary-Serbia and Montenegro (Interreg IIIA/CARDS) Neighbourghood Programme Romania-Serbia and Montenegro (Phare/CARDS) Neighbourghood Programme Bulgaria-Serbia and Montenegro (Phare/CARDS) Neighbourghood Programme Bulgaria-Serbia and Montenegro (Phare/CARDS) Italy/Adriatic Neighbourghood Programme (Interreg IIIA/CARDS) Italy/Adriatic Neighbourghood Programme (Interreg IIIA/CARDS) CADSES (Interreg IIIB/CARDS) CADSES (Interreg IIIB/CARDS)

Bilateral Programmes - coverage of the territory Hungary-SCG Romania-SCG Bulgaria-SCG FUTUREPROGRAMMES - probably under IPA Cro-SCGCro-SCG BiH-SCGBiH-SCG Mak-SCGMak-SCG Alb-SCGAlb-SCG

Bilateral Programmes - CfP CBC Programme Hungary-Romania and Hungary- Serbia and Montenegro (Interreg IIIA/CARDS) First call First call for proposals published on 16th of February and closed on 20th of May 2005 RESULT - around 400 proposals out of which 119 with Serbian partners - evaluation still in progress Next steps Next steps - Serbian representative in JTS - preparation of next CfP - discussions on the shape of the programme after 2007

Italy/Adriatic Neighbourghood Programme First call for proposals published in 2004 Second call for proposals - first neighborhood call launched at 28th of October Closing date 26th of January As a result of previous call for proposals the partners from Serbia and Montenegro are cooperating on 26 projects in the sectors of transport, SME development and cooperation, culture, health, agriculture, environment, science and tourism

CADSES Neighbourghood Programme First neighborhood call for proposals launched on September 26,2005 and closed on November 7, RESULT -238 proposals out of which 96 with Serbian partners - evaluation still in progress

Programmes in SCG

Role of MIER (1) MIER - National authority for implementation of NP EAR - Contracting authority Department for the management of NP - PCMU –assistance, advizory role, info days, partner search –cooperation with programme partners –reporting on realization –preparation of new programmes –coordination of the work of Serbian part of management structures of the programmes

Role of MIER (2)  Forming of the PCMU  TA of the EAR - capacity building in the MIER  EAR support to the Unit - through UNDP  first step to the decentralized implementation of the EU fonds  Transition period to new programming period – preparation for IPA

Local level capacity building (1) Strong cooperation with association of cities and local authorities – Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities In the scope of 2005 calls  February - organized Road show at five locations, approx. 500 participants  February-March - presentations of programme with Hungary in 7 cities in eligible area  March-April - around 20 training workshops in the border region to guide potential applicants  Partner search forum in Subotica for programme with Hungary and in Belgrade for CADSES  training workshops for CADSES (two) and programme Italy/Adriatic (held one, planned three)

Local level capacity building (2) Opening of five offices on local level for support to the applicants - two people in Niš, Subotica and Vršac and one expert in Bor Mandate: - support to the applicants - organization of seminars - partner search - local capacity building - publicity on local level Subotica Vršac Niš Bor

Challenges Administration reform  Restrictions for increasing the number of employees within the Ministry  necessity for highly skilled staff - low wages  lack of statistical territorial units - regions in Serbia  lack of strategic planning documents - on National, regional and local level In implementation of the programmes  5% of TA - contracting - how to use?  Strict procedures - difficult for applicants  specific problems in neighbourhood countries (different programmes - different flexibility, rules, timing) influence the implementation  Restrictive visa regime  Preparation and implementation of the programmes under IPA CBC

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