MTA SZTAKI For furthur information please contact: Éva Feuer Head of Quality Management Head of IST liaison office Quality Management
FP5 IST Projects Idealist 5FP Teamwork CBSEnet MTA SZTAKI Quality Management
IDEALIST 5FP IST Information Dissemination and European Awareness Launch for the IST Programme under the 5th and 6th Framework Programme Objective is to overcome difficulties, which organizations face intending to participate in the IST programme. Ideal-ist is a service network spanning 31 countries and supporting potential participants in the European Union’s Information Society Technologies Programme (IST).
Partner Search Finding partners for your IST project idea Joining other IST projects Partner search average 10 partners found in 2 weeks For further information contact the idealist booth at the exhibition IDEALIST 5FP IST
TEAMWORK IST Technology Exploitation and Adaptable Methodologies offering new Organisational Models and Practices for e-Working Teams The overall objective is to develop and apply a novel, integrated solution for distributed e- working organisations through the innovative and creative combination of Technology, Methodology and a Skills solution / Social analysis
The specific objectives of the project are to: 1. Adapt and apply a new technology to deliver a generic virtual internet platform for effective 'virtual' decision-making among distributed e- working teams. 2. Adapt and apply a team-working methodology which allows for effective management and motivation in distributed e-working organisations. TEAMWORK IST
3. Analyse user behaviour and user requirements in e-working teams. Develop a skills solution based on these needs. 4. Integrate all of these components into a 'complete' solution which is applied in three different distributed e-working user domains. TEAMWORK IST
CBSEnet IST Component-Based Software Engineering Network Objectives: To create a European-wide forum for the exchange of information between researchers and developers working in the area of Component- based Software Engineering To suggest how CBSE technologies could improve software engineering processes in different application domains
CBSEnet IST For further information visit the workshop on Software architectures and components on Wednesday, 6th November :00-12:30 on the ist2002 conference