1 Investing in America’s Future The National Science Foundation Strategic Plan for FY 2006-2011 OPP Advisory Committee 10/26/06.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Investing in America’s Future The National Science Foundation Strategic Plan for FY OPP Advisory Committee 10/26/06

2 February 2007 NSF Budget Request FY2008 NSF Strategic Plan Timeline September 2006 Strategic Plan FY American Competitiveness Initiative (Feb ’06) NSB 2020 Vision (Dec ’05) Comments from Public, NSF Staff, NSB, Advisory Committees, Others… nsf.gov (Special Notice)

3 Feb ’06: AC Chairs Teleconference with Drs. Bement & Olsen Apr-May ’06: AC Input on Draft Spring ’06: AC Discussions Dec’05-Feb’06: Discussions with Congressional Staff Sep’05-Sep’06: OMB discussions and clearance Nov ’05: Initial Discussion Dec ’05: NSB 2020 Vision for NSF Mar-Sep ’06: Discussions and Approval Strategic Plan Development Dec ’05 – Jan ’06: Comments on 2003 Plan Jun-Jul ’06: Comments on Draft Plan NSF Staff NSB ACs Congress/OMB Public Sept ’05: Comments on 2003 Plan Jan-Sep ’06: Internal website with drafts and comments; DIR/Office Deputies on Strategic Planning Group

4 What’s New? Strategic Goal Names are Focused on Outcomes Each Strategic Goal has 3-5 Year Investment Priorities New Vision Stressing Discovery, Innovation, Education, Workforce, and Moving Beyond Current S&E Frontiers Six Considerations for Future Major Investments Input Frequently Solicited, Received and Used from our Advisory Committees, NSB, NSF Staff, Academe, Professional Societies and the Public

5 Examples of Changes Based Upon Input (staff, ACs, NSB and public) Refined the text under NSF’s Responsibilities

6 Examples of Changes Based Upon Input (staff, ACs, NSB and public)

7 Page 16 Commitment to efficient and effective operations of facilities…

8 Examples of Changes Based Upon Input (staff, ACs, NSB and public)

9 Vision (New) Advancing discovery, innovation and education beyond the frontiers of current knowledge, and empowering future generations in science and engineering. Examples of Changes Based Upon Input (staff, ACs, NSB and public)

10 Mission Unchanged Mission (NSF Act of 1950) To promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense.

11 Plan Sections I. Introduction: Strategic Planning in a Changing Landscape II. Mission and Core Values III. Vision and Goals IV. Investment Priorities V. Translating the Plan into Action Appendix: Expert Evaluations and Assessments

12 NSF in a Changing Landscape The NSF Strategic Plan responds to the… Globally increasing pace, scope, and impact of fundamental science and engineering Emerging new modes of inquiry and new tools for investigation Escalating need to improve STEM education and technical workforce development Need for continued excellence in NSF as a capable and responsive organization

13 American Competitiveness Initiative significantly changed the future budget estimates for NSF

14 Strategic Goals Four NSF-Wide Goals Discovery Advancing frontiers of knowledge Learning S&E workforce and scientific literacy Research Infrastructure Advanced instrumentation and facilities Stewardship Supporting excellence in S&E research and education

15 Interrelated Strategic Outcome Goals

16 Links Between ACI and NSF Strategic Goals American Competitiveness Initiative (ACI) Fundamental Research Transformative Facilities & Infrastructure 21 st Century Workforce NSF Strategic Goals Discovery Research Infrastructure Learning

17 Future Investment Considerations Process of balancing investments among several factors (in alphabetical order) : Alignment with mission, vision, goals and objectives Budget – balance investments with funding levels Integration of research with education Leveraging collaborations – create a variety of opportunities for national and international collaboration Potential for impact and transformation Urgency and readiness – capture timely opportunities

18 NSF VISION: Advancing discovery, innovation, and education beyond the frontiers of current knowledge, and empowering future generations in science and engineering. MISSION: To promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense (NSF Act of 1950) Strategic Goals Discovery Advancing frontiers of knowledge Learning S&E workforce and scientific literacy Research Infrastructure Advanced instrumentation and facilities Stewardship Supporting excellence in S&E research and education STRATEGIC PLAN FY06-FY11 Cross-Cutting Objectives To Inspire and Transform To Grow and Develop Investment Priorities

19 Example Investment Priorities -- Discovery Promote transformational, multidisciplinary research Investigate the human and social dimensions of new knowledge and technology Further U.S. economic competitiveness Foster research that improves our ability to live sustainably on Earth Advance fundamental research in computational science and engineering, and in fundamental, applied and interdisciplinary mathematics and statistics

20 You are here

21 Strategic Planning and Performance: An Ongoing Process In evaluating progress against this plan as well as looking toward the next, NSF will continue listening to and seeking feedback from…  The National Science Board  Our Advisory Committees  Our staff  The science, engineering and education community  The public