Pre-Reading Notes “The Raven” Edgar Allan Poe Narrative Poetry Pre-Reading Notes “The Raven” Edgar Allan Poe
What is a narrative poem? A narrative poem is one that tells a story. Like any story, a narrative poem typically has a plot with a beginning, a middle, and an end. A narrative poem must also have a setting and characters.
About the Author Edgar Allan Poe Born Jan. 19, 1809 He was born in Boston, MA but grew up in England and in Virginia. He is known for writing books and short stories that are mysterious and sometimes horrific.
“The Raven” - 1845 Summary “The Raven” is about a lonely man that misses his lost love, Lenore. He is trying not to think about her when he hears a tapping on his door and then on his window. When he opens the window, a raven enters his room, lands on a statue of the Greek god of wisdom and says, “Nevermore.” Even though the man knows that the raven can’t really think on its own, and doesn’t say anything but “nevermore”, he starts asking it questions about his wife like, “Is there anything that will make me feel better?”, “Will I one day see my wife in heaven?” and ‘Will I ever be able to forget my memories of Lenore?” Of course the raven can only reply with… “Nevermore.”
Literary Term - Alliteration Repetition of the first consonant in a group of words Example Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers As you read the poem, pay attention to how the author uses alliteration.