Power Point Poetry
Poetry often has images or emotions it tries to send to the reader. Poetry often has images or emotions it tries to send to the reader. Think about a poem you like and how the poem makes you feel and think. Think about a poem you like and how the poem makes you feel and think.
Power Point Poetry Power Point Poetry is when you have the words to your poem or song, accompanied by pictures that you think depict the meaning of the poem. Power Point Poetry is when you have the words to your poem or song, accompanied by pictures that you think depict the meaning of the poem. The words must be on the screen along with pictures. The words must be on the screen along with pictures. Music and reading can be done as well either by you or on the computer (recorded). Music and reading can be done as well either by you or on the computer (recorded).
Power Point Poetry You can have one line per slide, or a few lines per slide. Remember the “Saltwater Joys” song and the pictures that were used. You also have the option to use animation features if you have learned how to use them.
Power Point Poetry Deciding on the poem or song. Deciding on the poem or song. Find online. Find online. All-time favorite. All-time favorite. One that was read to you. One that was read to you. Can be funny, sad, serious, happy, etc. Can be funny, sad, serious, happy, etc. Some stories are poems. Some stories are poems. School appropriate. School appropriate.
Directions Find a poem or song that you like online. Find a poem or song that you like online. Copy and paste it onto power point. Copy and paste it onto power point. Read it over and find the meaning of the poem. Read it over and find the meaning of the poem. Find some pictures that shows the meaning of the poem. Find some pictures that shows the meaning of the poem. Do not change the poem. Do not change the poem. Due Thursday, November 13! Due Thursday, November 13! Independent Project. Independent Project.