IMAGERY QUESTIONS These questions ask you to consider The Figurative Techniques writers employ and how they relate to subject matter. 2/4 marks are usually available for this question. How to recognise an Imagery Question. Look for the following key words: “Referring to specific words and phrases show how the writer makes effective use of imagery in lines x-y. Examine the writer’s use of imagery in lines x-y How effective do you find the writer’s use of imagery in lines x-y? Nb There are three techniques to focus on; Simile, Metaphor and Personification.
Simile –Involves comparison of two things because they share similar qualities Will therefore have the word “like” or “as” present in a COMPARITIVE SENSE He ran as fast as the Cleland bus Ali’s entourage were like vultures. The soldier was like a lion in battle Metaphor-Special Type of Simile. When one thing takes on the qualities of the thing it is being compared to –but NOT LITERALLY PHYSICALLY She’s electric. The Candle danced in the dark. Ali’s entourage leeched money from him. The soldier was a lion in battle. Personification- Special type of Metaphor. When an object is invested with human qualities and characteristics. The wind sighed and the rain poured tears over the grave. The station lamp winked at guard.
Suggested Approach Mark Off Relevant section of text Identify and Highlight any examples of Imagery present: Metaphor? Simile? Personification? NB You DO NOT get any marks for merely identifying what technique has been used. Now consider why they have been used in relation to the subject matter: What is the connection? In what ways are they similar? This is called working from the root of the image. This is where you can gain marks... Use the “Just as X so Y “ Structure for your answer Just as Simile/ Metaphor/Personification (X) has qualities Z so Subject Matter(Y) also has qualities Z Some examples The soldier was a lion in battle Answer: Just as a lion(X) is ferocious and aggressive(Z) so the soldier(Y) was ferocious and aggressive in battle.(Z) Ali’s bank account haemorraged money. Just as a haemorrage(X) involves rapid flow and loss of blood(Z) so Ali’s money(Y) rapidly flowed away and was lost.(Z)