Perspectives on Conflict Resolution at the GEF Sekou Toure Conflict Resolution Commissioner
1.Perspectives 2.Highlight of a few key Issues 3.Conflict resolution in the context of CEO’s reform 4.Key initial dimensions au the work at the GEF Outline
Perspectives Historically, Secretariat kept away from engaging in systematic conflict resolution Nature of the GEF and its mode of operations conducive to disputes, conflicts and complaints Policy: Limited secretariat involvement (countries and the implementing agencies left to sort out issues of disputes)
Limitations/Drawbacks No formal mechanism at Secretariat Staff took assume little responsibility in disputes/conflicts Detrimental to the GEF, its integrity and image and has left some countries/agencies the impression that the GEF is unconcerned.
Limitations/Drawbacks Consequence: GEF often perceived as the culprit responsible for the slow pace of project implementation, lengthy project cycles, inequity in resource distribution and non responsiveness to country concerns and for many other shortcomings. Many small countries, in particular, have felt isolated without proper mechanisms to address their concerns.
Context of CEO’s policies and reforms New GEF’s engagement key stakeholders Moving/breaking into new ground Emphasis on protecting the integrity of GEF operations Building trust amongst and between the GEF agencies Ensuring a system of accountability
Context of CEO’s policies and reforms Challenges of paying closer attention to three critical issues, misgivings/concerns/resistance (I.e.RAF), Consolidation of the reforms and future replenishment of the GEF. Also challenges: any reform, changes must be well understood, steps taken to nurture the gains and areas of concerns fully addressed.
Relevant steps taken by CEO Embrace conflict resolution as an integral part of the GEF Build bridges with the countries and agencies alike work in such a manner that results in less work on "damage control", i.e. RAF issue Commissioner for Conflict Resolution: Idea embed in the GEF’s helm new tool/dynamic/direction Entry point of contact, a window inside the secretariat for issues of conflicts and dispute
Dimensions to conflict/dispute resolution 1.Enhancing measures in place to protect the integrity of the organization 2.Comprehensive/simple? conflict/dispute settling mechanism/system 3.Institutionalization of a precautionary system of addressing conflicts and disputes in the GEF operations more. 4.Addressing systematically operational issues which are bound to generate conflicts and disputes (RAF, misunderstanding/clarification of GEF policies and operations_
Dimensions to conflict/dispute resolution I - Protecting the integrity of the GEF/Raising GEF’s standard of responsiveness and delivery Actions to be undertaken: To initiate a system of policy reviews and assessments of GEF operations with the view to identifying measures required to sustain confidence in the organization, Develop a public disclosure policy. The disclosure policy to then lead to the development of a set of guidelines and operational procedures and tools,
Dimensions to conflict/dispute resolution I - Protecting the integrity of the GEF/Raising GEF’s standard of responsiveness and delivery Actions to be undertaken: Sensitize focal points on GEF disclosure policy
Dimensions to conflict/dispute resolution I - Protecting the integrity of the GEF/Raising GEF’s standard of responsiveness and delivery Actions to be undertaken: Sensitize staff on new policies Information/briefing/dissemination of the role, responsibility of the Conflict resolution commissioner and the GEF’s effort to all stakeholders Promotion of appropriate behaviors and attitudes advancing implementation of core principles of the GEF.
Dimensions to conflict/dispute resolution I - Protecting the integrity of the GEF/Raising GEF’s standard of responsiveness and delivery Outputs The outputs will include: Measures required to sustain confidence in the GEF, Rules governing complaints, Public disclosure policy, Compliance regime, Promotional materials, reward mechanisms, Guidelines.
Dimensions to conflict/dispute resolution 2 - Development and operationalization of a GEF conflict resolution/dispute settlement mechanism Actions The set of actions to implement will be to: Develop a protocol of compliance regime with the Agencies, Identify and document though roughly cases of conflict/disputes in GEF project (consider regional balance), Develop a complaint mechanism (i.e. panel, etc…)
Dimensions to conflict/dispute resolution 2 - Development and operationalization of a GEF conflict resolution/dispute settlement mechanism Actions Resolve a few known reported cases of conflicts in GEF operations, Explore/Identify potential mediation instruments, Integrate relevant element of strategy into project development processes, Develop concept of “ GEF Mediator”, Identification of and operationalization the concept
Dimensions to conflict/dispute resolution 2 - Development and operationalization of a GEF conflict resolution/dispute settlement mechanism Outputs The outputs will include the following: Rules and procedures to handle complaints and disputes, A Data base, An Online complaint portal, Quick wins, A GEF mediation concept, Documentation of conflict issues in GEF operations.
Dimensions to conflict/dispute resolution 3 – Development of a Precautionary system addressing conflicts and disputes Actions They include activities to: Develop a system of categorization of projects into high to low conflict potential, In close collaboration with portfolio managers, review project development procedures to take into account and integrate remediation schemes for those projects that are high conflict potentials,
Dimensions to conflict/dispute resolution 3 – Development of a Precautionary system addressing conflicts and disputes Actions They include activities to: Train relevant staff and partners, Based on lessons from the implementation processes, play substantive role in shaping dialogue on RAF and other innovations introduced by CEO.
Dimensions to conflict/dispute resolution 3 – Development of a Precautionary system addressing conflicts and disputes Outputs Operational guidelines of project development with conflict remediation clause/ procedures/ tools, as appropriate, Data base on classification of GEF project on the basis of their conflict potentials, Training manual for GEF and other partners on conflict resolution in GEF operations,
Dimensions to conflict/dispute resolution 4 - Dialogue on issues of concern, future development and innovation in the GEF Actions The actions to undertake will be to: Based on country dialogue and on the basis of the synthesis of concerns over the RAF and other operational issues, work with the internal team to address individual cases of complaints and misunderstanding, Work with managers to recommend programs that will expand upon the services provided by the Secretariat and the GEF agencies,
Dimensions to conflict/dispute resolution 4 - Dialogue on issues of concern, future development and innovation in the GEF Actions Develop a continuous dialogue format to enable closer consultations with countries and other partners, Take substantive role in dialogue on RAF expansion.
Dimensions to conflict/dispute resolution 4 - Dialogue on issues of concern, future development and innovation in the GEF Outputs Synthesis of complaints/disputes over RAF and other GEF operations, Better understanding of RAF and other innovative approaches Data base on individual cases of complaints and documentation of effort made by secretariat, GEF emerging programmes
Conclusion 1 Shaping handling of conflicts, disputes and complaints Key to improve credibility, responsiveness of GEF 4 broad objectives as initial focus: -Protection of the integrity of GEF/Raising its standard of responsiveness and delivery -Development and operationalization of a GEF conflict resolution/dispute settlement mechanism -Development of a Precautionary system addressing conflicts and disputes -Dialogue on issues of concern, future development and innovation in the GEF
Conclusion 1 Dialogue and consultations (Key stakeholders such as EO, Focal Points) Delivery specific outputs and deliverables. Start and reach full scope of activities by GEF Website Ideas and suggestions THANK YOU