Getting Started Mrs. Watkins AP Statistics
Statistics is the study of DATA and VARIATION
We study statistics: To inform decision- making in science, engineering, government, psychology, sports, education, and LIFE!
Who or what do we study? Population: entire collection of subjects about which information is desired “THE WHOLE” Sample: a subset of population which is used to gather information “THE PART”
Variables Variable: characteristic of subject Quantitative: numerical Qualitative: categorical
Quantitative Variables Two Types : Discrete-- “countable” # of people, # of plants, # of cars Continuous-- “measurable” cost, pulse rate, temperature, weight
Where do we get data—many names for sources *Case *Subject *Observational unit *Experimental unit *Respondent *Participant
Example: study of teen drivers Population: US Teen drivers Sample: Group of 1000 teenage drivers randomly selected Subject: the teen Variables: age? how many accidents? own car or not ?
Who Cares? Important question in statistical research as it frames what we study and why Who cares about teen drivers?