Unit 9
Whenever possible, use short, concrete subjects. Use short, active predicates– not nominalizations. Whenever possible, use active rather than passive voice.
To promote the main idea of the sentence do not separate the subject from the verb with intruding phrases and clauses. Keep your sentences relatively short (under 25 words). Maintain parallel sentence structure (parallelism).
Avoid misplaced and dangling modifiers. Identify and punctuate restrictive and non-restrictive modifiers correctly. Eliminate unnecessary words. Use quotations sparingly.
Use the appropriate tense. Make your comparisons complete and logical. Check that the words in your sentences have a rational relationship. Select concrete, familiar, and specific words: Avoid vagueness and Imprecision.
Avoid jargon, informal, and esoteric language. Avoid qualifiers and intensifiers; do not overuse adjectives and adverbs. Avoid the appearance of sexist language.
Exercises Exercise 10-A: Sentence Structure Exercise 10-B: Sentence Structure
Suggested Reading pdf pdf dyn/content/article/2008/10/14/AR html dyn/content/article/2008/10/14/AR html denied-to-troy-davis.aspx denied-to-troy-davis.aspx 0/a-dissenting-op.html 0/a-dissenting-op.html