Mrs. Wachs and Mr. Minzes
Complete at least 2 college applications before Dec. 1st Complete at least 5 scholarship applications (especially to the schools in which you have applied) before Dec. 1st Speak with your parents/guardians about Financial Aid (how you will pay for college)
FAFSA Institutional Scholarship Cost of Attendance Expected Family Contribution Financial Need Gift Aid Local Scholarship Self-Help Aid Define these terms based on what you know about financial aid!
Financial Aid ScholarshipsState Aid Federal Aid (FAFSA)
ScholarshipsInstitutionalLocal Major Specific National
Create a portfolio (academic resume, letters of recommendations, essay, etc.) Use the Web Apply for small and local scholarships Avoid mistakes Stay organized Never stop searching
Local From the local Kansas City and Raytown Community. They can be sponsored by clubs or associations. Mrs. Wachs will post these on the scholarship website as they become available. A good way to search is to think of groups who are active in your community and approach them to see if they offer scholarships. Deadlines range and can be all year, but majority are in January through April
All local scholarships will be posted on this website Some national scholarships will be posted as well
Major/Specific These refer to scholarships offered for students who want to go into a certain profession. Many foundations associated with certain careers offer aid for these students. Specific refers to aid offered based on your demographics. These usually have a certain set of criteria and are good because they narrow down the applicant pool. Deadlines range and can be all year
National These usually have larger award amounts, but you are competing with students from all over the nation. They are sometimes sponsored by large companies and although they are good to apply for, they usually do not lead to being a large source of scholarships for students, local and institutional scholarships reap more benefits. Deadlines range and can be all year
State Aid A+ Money (FAFSA) State Grants (FAFSA)
In order to remain eligible for A+ each academic year, you must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Enroll and attend full-time at a participating public community college or vocational/technical school In order for A+ money to be renewed, you must maintain a 2.5 GPA and maintain satisfactory academic progress as defined by your school
Money given by the state of Missouri that is based on need Must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) More information at
Federal Aid (FAFSA) Gift AidGrantsScholarships Self-Help Aid LoansEmployment
Any websites you use should end (watch out for scams!) Available after January 1 st, 2014 You should NEVER have to pay to fill out the FAFSA The FAFSA is not a type of loan or grant, it is the application to receive loans or grants The priority deadline for the FAFSA is March 1 st because at that point the money is divided up, BUT if for some reason you have to wait till past March 1 st you should still apply because money for grants MAY be left over
Cost of Attendance – How much all aspects of going to that college costs (tuition, fees, room and board, books, etc.) Expected Family Contribution – How much money the government decides your family could give you to pay for school Financial Need – How much money you will need that you cannot provide for yourself (paid for by grants/loans)
Gift aid: Grants and scholarships are gifts and do not need to be repaid Self-help aid: Loans, which do need to be repaid, and employment
FAFSA Scholarships
YOU (student) will need: Your CORRECT Social Security Number, Your driver's license (if any) IF YOU HAVE A JOB Your 2013 W-2 forms and other records of money earned Your 2013 Federal Income Tax Return (if any) ex. IRS 1040, 1040A, 1040 EZ, Foreign Tax Return Your PARENTS or LEGAL GUARDIANS will need: 2013 Federal Income Tax Return (if you are a dependent student) Their current bank statements Their current business and investment mortgage information, business and farm records, stock, bond and other investment records Your alien registration or permanent resident card (if you are not a U.S. citizen)
Senior Parent Night Lisa Fannan, Financial Aid Director at MCC, will be here at RSHS at 6:00 PM in the Auditorium to present a program on Scholarships and Financial Aid