Catalyst Turn signed forms (syllabus and parent letter) into the correct bins Catalyst: 1. Describe the four levels that our classroom can be at. 2. What are the steps taken if you violate our expectations (HINT – There are 5 steps) 3. What are the expectations for this class?
Level A – Anarchy Out of Control Unsafe Learning cannot occur
Level B – Bullying Bosses Others Bothers Others Break Classroom Expectations Learning cannot occur
Level C – Compliant Listens Practices Cooperates
Level D – Democracy Develops self-discipline Develops civility and sense of community Does good because it is the right thing to do Demonstrates responsibility
Steps to Resolve Level A and B Behavior 1.Verbal Warning 2.Class Essay 3.Self-Diagnostic Referral 4.2 nd Self-Diagnostic Referral and both are mailed home 5.Dismissal from the class
Expectations of Our Classroom Society 1. Do my tasks 2. Have materials 3. Be where I belong 4. Control myself 5. Follow directions 6. Speak considerately
Human BINGO Please take out a blank sheet of paper Fold the paper in half 4 times Once folded, open the sheet up. I will project questions on the board. You will have to find a person that matches that question and have them sign your sheet. A person can only sign your sheet once. The first person to get BINGO will get a prize!
Someone who was born outside the United States Someone who went to Stevenson Middle School. Someone that plays soccer in their free time Someone that wants to work in the music industry Someone who has read all of the Hunger Games books Someone who likes to watch TV in their free time Someone whose favorite color is blue Someone whose favorite class is Science Someone whose favorite class is History Someone who wants to be a doctor in the future Someone who read a book over the summer Someone who likes to watch the news Someone that wants to got to UC Berkley Someone that can name Mr. Lance’s favorite movie Someone who likes to watch sports on TV Someone whose favorite color is pink
Procedure Reminder Complete the graphic organizer with your table Discuss the expectations and procedures that are outlined on the handout
Re-insert Carnes Note Taking Slide
Entering the Classroom You will great Mr. Lance at the door and shake his hand. You will walk into the classroom and grab all the necessary materials before going to your desk. You will silently start the Catalyst.
Turning in Work When work is due (projects, assignments, etc.), then turn it into the bin that matches the first letter of your last name. Homework typically will be checked, not collected.
Attention Getting Signal
Tardy You are tardy if you get the classroom at the door is shut. Being tardy will result in a loss of nutrition and/or lunch Frequent tardiness will result in a parent meeting
Late Work Late work will not be accepted. I repeat, late work will not be accepted
Absent Policy All absences have 2 days for every day they missed to make up work. Work can be found in absent binder Failure to complete work during the allowed time will result in loss of points for that assignment.
Bathroom Policy It is expected that you use the bathroom before/after class. If you use the bathroom, then you owe me that amount of minute after class (e.g. 5 min in bathroom = 5 min after class)
Question 1 Jose is throwing things at other students and loudly disrupting the class. At what level is his behavior?
Question 2 What is the consequence for showing up tardy to chemistry?
Question 3 Jesus is talking to another classmate while Mr. Lance is lecture, what community expectation is he violating and at what level is his behavior?
Question 4 What are the four levels of behavior and what levels are needed in order for learning to occur in chemistry?
Question 5 What do each of the colors on the note taking system indicate (hint – there are 4 colors)
Question 6 Sonnie helps another classmate without being prompted by Mr. Lance. At what level is this behavior?
Question 7 Where do you turn in any work?
Question 8 What is due tomorrow?
Quiz You should complete this quiz independently and silently. Talking or working with others will result in you getting a 0 on this quiz You have 10 minutes to complete
Closing Time You must have all supplies (binder with tabs and notebook) by Thursday/Friday. The first binder check will be Thursday/Friday.