Fill ` tools to add to all the great things you do Toolbox Your Created by Summer Pittman
What are you hoping to get from this session?
Make your job easier!
Student checkout
Assign a helper and brand them. Call centers one at a time to circulate. How it works
The Sacred Cows
Library Literac y Managing centers and center ideas Centers
Why Centers?
Organizing centers One center a visit Student choice Pocket Chart Students check out books
Mobile Centers
Listen to Reading Students get to sit in cozy chairs Students get to listen with mp3 Students get to check out books
Read to a Book Buddy Students get to hold those stuffed animals they are dying to touch Practice Reading
Read to Someone Students check out books first Students use an ipad to record and play back reading Builds fluency Students may record a retelling of the story as well It promotes engagement from both students
colAR Mix Augmented Reality Older students could create a story based on their AR creation
How to Students may draw or create Introduces the 700’s of the media center!
Computer s Students log on We have a wiki organized for each grade level Great for using and exploring Wake County or School funded programs and websites.
App of the week Students get an ipad Work on only that app Can rate the app
Other ideas Tinkerspace, makerspace or whatever space!
Other ideas
Connecting Centers
I Wonder how we can help the Earth??
Great way to introduce to staff Promotes higher level thinking Promotes wonder and investigation Classrooms can submit their investigation Classrooms can submit wonders Look for wonders on what you are studying Classrooms can create their own wonderwall
Teacher Librarian Evaluation
Collaboration Forms
A Few of My Favorite Things
What are you going to take away from this session?