What was your favorite food when you were little? Why? What was your least favorite food? Did you have to eat it anyway? Do you remember any special meals you’ve had? Describe them.
What do you do outside of school? What did you do when you were younger? What tv shows did you watch most? Did you ever want to be a tv/movie/book character? Describe your Halloween memories.
Do you remember a time you got in trouble for something you had been told not to do? Did you ever get blamed for something someone else did? Did they ever get blamed for something you did? What responsibilities do you have at home? Did you fight with your siblings? Can you remember any fights that seem silly now?
Do you have a most favorite present of all time? Have you ever gotten a really bad gift? Have you ever given a gift that was no good? What was your favorite childhood toy? Did you ever get/use handmade clothes or toys?
Did you have a favorite doctor? Have you ever broken a bone or had surgery? Can you remember a time you got sick at a very inconvenient moment? How did you get your first car? Tell about long trips you remember taking.
Have you ever been on a plane? How did you celebrate your birthday? What traditions are most important in your family?
What was your first job? What did it pay? What did you do? What did you like and/or dislike about it? Tell about your first boss. Have you ever had to change jobs? Why? Did you ever have a job that required physical labor? Were you ever hurt on the job? Do you remember being locked out of somewhere you needed to be?
Do you remember when your first impression of someone turned out to be wrong? Do you remember when you learned something important from a family member? Do you remember when you learned something important from someone significantly younger than you?
Do you remember a time when someone lied to you? Do you remember a time when you almost won, but not quite? When was your first time away from home? Did you ever make up—songs, imaginary friends, words, dances, sports, games, books, etc.?