M Zamri Saad Department of Veterinary Pathology & Microbiology Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Universiti Putra Malaysia Serdang, Selangor AAVS Accreditation Criteria
Introduction M. Zamri-Saad Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Accreditation of veterinary schools is important: – create a standard level and strength of veterinary schools in Asia that facilitates: – student and staff exchange – collaborative research – academic assistance – proof to pressure the government/university management to upgrade facilities according to the required standard – enhance the international standing of an accredited veterinary school
Historical Background M. Zamri-Saad Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Accreditation of veterinary schools: – has been presented, discussed and agreed-upon in the AAVS Annual Meeting in 2003/04 – the agreement was in-principle, with the idea that: – the member schools take notice and pursue activities toward achieving the standard criteria – a detailed implementation protocol be discussed and agreed- upon later
M. Zamri-Saad Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Criteria ITEM TO BE PROVIDED INDICATORRATIO: NUMERATOR AND DENOMINATOR STANDARD CRITERIA SATISFACTORY RATIO UNSATISFACTORY RATIO UNACCEPTABLE RATIO Teaching Staff Teacher/student ratio No of teacher (a) No. of student (b) R= a/b Ratio of Professor, Associate Professor, lecturer 1:<7.5 1:2:3 1:7.5<x<15 0.5<x<1:1<x<2:4<x<6 1:>15 6 Support StaffTeacher/support staff ratio No. of teacher (a) No. of support staff (c) R= a/c 1:>11:0.5<x<11:<0.5 StudentUndergraduate/po stgraduate Ratio No. of postgrad. student (d) No. of undergrad. student (e) R= d/e 1:<41:4<x<91:>9 Basic Training Theory/practical and clinical training ratio Credit hr of theore- tical training (f) Credit hr of practical & clinical training (g) R= f/g 1:>11:0.6<x<11:<0.6
M. Zamri-Saad Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Criteria ITEM TO BE PROVIDED INDICATORRATIO: NUMERATOR AND DENOMINATOR STANDARD CRITERIA SATISFACTORY RATIO UNSATISFACTORY RATIO UNACCEPTABLE RATIO Clinical Training Student/case ratio No. of graduating student (h) No. of clinical cases: - livestock (i) R= h/i - pets (j) R= h/j 1:>20 1:>50 1:20>x>5 1:50>x>20 1:<5 1:<20 Diagnostic Training Student/post- mortem case ratio No. of graduating student (h) No. of post-mortem cases (k) R= h/k 1:>41:2<x<41:<2 Infrastructure Animal Hospital Access to Animal Farm Research Laboratory Access Slaughterhouse Yes No
Thank you M. Zamri-Saad Faculty of Veterinary Medicine