What was the impact of the Congress of Vienna? By the end of the lesson you will: 1.Be able to describe an overview of the provisions made by the Congress 2.Be able to explain the positive and negative aspects of the Congress 3.Start to weigh up the impact of the Congress on European relations.
The provisions made by the Congress of Vienna The main policy governing the Congress was that of compensation. The various nations and rulers were "punished" or "rewarded" according to the part that they played in the Napoleonic Wars. The Congress recognized the earlier transfer of Norway from Denmark (which had not opposed Napoleon sufficiently) to Sweden (which joined in several alliances against Napoleon). Holland was awarded Belgium. These provisions violated nationalistic sentiment in Norway and Belgium and paved the way for future trouble. Austria gave up claims to Belgium and received Lombardy-Venetia and part of Poland. The Congress recognized Russia's right to retain Finland (seized from Sweden in 1809) and most of Poland. Prussia retained part of Poland and was awarded territory in the Rhineland and part of Saxony (which had supported Napoleon). Great Britain was permitted to keep its colonies of South Africa and Ceylon (Sri Lanka), which it had seized from the Dutch during the Napoleonic Wars. Italy remained divided. The various German states were loosely joined in the German Confederation under the leadership of Austria.
Use the text on the slide before to complete the table below. Give evidence to support your arguments. Would be pleased with the outcome of the Congress? Would be unhappy with the outcome of the Congress? Norway Denmark Sweden Holland Belgium Austria Poland Russia Finland Prussia Great Britain
Answers Would be pleased with the outcome of the Congress? Would be unhappy with the outcome of the Congress? Norway Is taken from Danish rule and given to Sweden. Still not independent. Denmark Looses land (Norway) Sweden Gains land (Norway) Holland Gains control of Belgium Britain gets to keep South Africa that it took from Holland during the Napoleonic Wars. Belgium Is given to Holland, after being fought for by Austria. Still not independent. Austria Gains Lombardy-Venetia and land in Poland. Has considerable influence over much of Europe. Poland Divided between Austria, Russia and Prussia. No attempt to make it independent. Russia Gains control of some of Poland, and retains control over Finland. Finland Stays under Russian control, against their wishes. Prussia Gains some of the Rhineland, parts of Saxony and bits of Poland. Great Britain Keeps the colonies it took from Holland, Sri Lanka and South Africa
Congress of Vienna resource/Response-to-Napoleon-and- European-settlement / resource/Response-to-Napoleon-and- European-settlement / A little dry but may be useful to emphasise points – 4 mins
What about Poland?
Now write an article for a modern newspaper / magazine to sum up the events of the Napoleonic Wars and the resulting Congress of Vienna Include: Details of alliances and reasons for conflict – why were European powers fighting against Napoleon A summary of the details of the Congress of Vienna – what was their initial aim in 1815; then what was the reality – who was rewarded and who was punished? A hindsight discussion about the implications of the Congress on European relations – why do more wars happen between 1815 and 1914?
Between 1792 and 1815 Europe was fighting about …….. Following the capture of Napoleon in 1815 and his imprisonment on St Helena, the other European powers met in Vienna to …… Some countries were pleased with the result of the meeting. For example …. was happy because ….. However, other countries like … were unhappy with the meeting because ….. Eventually the meeting in Vienna led to ….. happening because ……
Congress of Vienna
What was the impact of the Congress of Vienna? Now check that you have: 1.described an overview of the provisions made by the Congress 2.explained the positive and negative aspects of the Congress 3.Started to weigh up the impact of the Congress on European relations.