Argyll & Bute Council Scotland Delivering Home Care in remote and Rural Areas
Argyll, Scotland Argyll is one of the largest administrative areas in Scotland covering almost 700,000ha and approximately 3000 miles of coastline. There are 26 inhabited islands linked by mainly be ferry services. Population is around 91,300 (2001 census) % of the population are over the age of 60 years.
Challenges and Successes Finding imaginative ways to deliver services in remote areas, especially the islands Regulation and Inspection processes Protocols with partners from Health Services Partnership working with other agencies and Integrated Care Teams Outsourcing of services
New Developments Introduction of Intensive Home Carers 5 day training programme Working jointly with Community Nurses to ensure competencies
Argyll and Bute Council We are committed to working with our communities to develop and improve quality of life and opportunity.