The Road-Map to the modern State KOC University Istambul Thomas Fleiner Introductory Course in State and Constitution Theory (First Lesson Monday)
From the State of modernity to the State of post-modernity
Nations States
14 Nations before Every 175th year one state +
Nations Every fourth year one state +
Nations Every 18th month one state +
Nations Since second world war: 105 States +
A short overview on the State development of the European history:
Roman Empire
Three Monotheistic Religions Indo-European Languages Subjective – Objective Content - Form Roman Law Hierarchy Democracy Society of guilt Society of shame
Verdun 843
Fourth Crusade 1220
Muslim World 1500
Peace of Westfalia 1648
1885 After Congress of Berlin 1878
Central Europe
Europe before World-War one
Europe between 1919 and 1939
Europe from 1946 to 1989
Europe (without GUS and Turkey) after the fall of the wall
Influences on the modern State: Religions and Ideologies: - Scholastic - Reformation - Enlightment (incl. Marxism) History: - Europe of Middle Age - Peace of Westphalia - Empires and their failure - Congress of Vienna and Berlin
Important inner-state developments: - UK and Constitutionalism: Parliament and Rule of Law - USA: Limited Government, horizontal and vertical separation of powers, constitu- tional review - France: sovereignty of nation, national assembly as law maker, public-private law, hierarchy of governmental branches, - Germany: sovereignty of people, new development of constitutional review, parliamentary government - Balkan: Nation and collective Rights
Principles of good governance or of democratic governance Rule of Law: human rights, independence of judiciary, access to justice separation of powers: “that men are rule by law and not by men” Transparency, democracy, accountability, decentralization Minority Protection