z z Campus Conversations November 2015 Professor Andrea Nolan Principal & Vice-Chancellor
Ambition, Innovation and Decisions
Strategy 2020 Why? Sustainable & Successful But also… To realise our potential
Developing Strategy 2020 What did we say back then?
Our Future?
‘best student experience in the UK’ ‘never believed I could have set up my own business’ – it was tough but I was so well supported ‘ well prepared … worked in 3 different countries so far’ I ts great belonging to the ‘ENU family’ … contacts I learned a lot through my volunteering project in Malaysia ‘ Lets see what Edinburgh Napier is doing ’ ‘the place to flourish’ ‘Research funding all time high’ ‘A great place to develop your career’
How are we doing?
PTES 2014 = 76% 2015 = 83% PRES 2013 = 80% 2015 = 80%
Research Grant & Contract Income
Academic Development Academic Staff holding a PhD at 48% HEA Fellowship, 47% - predicted to rise to 60% based on current progress
Our 14/15 Plan Key strategies ( academic, international, student experience ) Enhancement Led Institutional Review (ELIR) REF 2014 Research infrastructure (RIO) 29 (+21) PhD studentships Academic Criteria Transforming Tomorrow, Together Bainfield, student residences & hubs Graduate Employability Project New organisational structures New visual identity Staff engagement
Cyber Academy & apprenticeships Get on Board & free law clinics Wood pulp & sustainable transport Creative awards for our students Partnership development Eye drop devices & vet nurses in India Paperless boards Contextual admissions & admissions processes THE Outstanding Estates Team Management accounts & business intelligence Many local successes
Internal communications survey (February 2015) The majority of staff had –discussed Strategy 2020 with their manager (70%) –sufficient channels of access to the Principal (81%) –right amount of communication from ULT (up 20% to 70%) High readership of s from ULT (> 80%) Leadership Team communication had improved (74%) Staff positive about greater visibility of ULT …. Engagement …… Shaping our future …. Staff Engagement
Keeping up pace & seeing return Grow our Academic Reputation Deliver Excellent Personalised Student Experience Build Innovation, Enterprise & Citizenship Internationalise our work Ongoing challenges Financial pressures Competition Divergent policy environment Culture
Values & Culture ‘Actively engaged in delivering our vision and purpose’ ‘Led by our academic agenda’ ‘High aspirations for, and confidence in, ourselves and our students’ Staff consider we are making good progress But… “Empowered to make decisions about how best to play our part…” “All part of a one team delivering our academic ambitions & strategic objectives” >68% of staff felt we had only just started or making small steps
The Journey ahead
Our 2015/16 Plan NSS, PTES & PRES Academic development Research applications Feedback Postgraduate growth Student Opportunities Enhanced services Widening participation Strategic approach Social innovation Graduate employability International operations Continuous improvement Student recruitment Environment Transnational Education ACADEMIC REPUTATION STUDENT EXPERIENCE INNOVATION, ENTERPRISE, CITIZENSHIP INTERNATIONALISATION
Enabling actions New website and intranet Marketing strategy Staff engagement Online first for staff & e-Services for students Academic Workload Framework Reward & recognition New fees package Estates strategy
Estates: ‘enabling our ambition’ Develop inspiring spaces for teaching/learning & student/staff interaction Enhance postgraduate & research facilities Innovative social-learning spaces Expand residential and sporting provision Create inspiring environments Optimise/modernise office space
£100m+ over 10 years We will develop a vibrant campus life at each site, extend access, improve usage, and enrich our local communities. Expand Craiglockhart to include conference and exhibition/archive facilities Invest in new facilities for Engineering and the Built Environment Develop Merchiston as a hub for computing and the creative industries
Promotions & Award of Title 2015 Voluntary Severance Scheme Strategic Change Board Some personal reflections –360 degree feedback –leading through change We can expect bumps…
Our lives will change between now and 2020 Staff will be supported and developed We will provide unparalleled opportunities for our students We will be recognised / talked about as ‘the place to be’ Confidence & Belief Back to our future
Dr Emmett Brown “Your future is whatever you make it, so make it a good one!”
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Grow our Academic Reputation NSS, PTES & PRES Academic development Research applications Postgraduate growth
Feedback Opportunities Enhanced services Widening participation Excellent personalised student experience
Strategic approach Social innovation Employability Continuous improvement Innovation, enterprise & citizenship
Internationalisation International operations Student recruitment Internationalised environment Transnational education
Our 2015/16 Plan CULTURAL TRANSFORMATION NSS, PTES & PRES Academic development Research applications Feedback Postgraduate growth Opportunities Enhanced services Widening participation Strategic approach Social innovation Employability International operations Continuous Improvement Student recruitment Environment Transnational Education Academic workload framework Estates strategy Reward & recognition Staff engagement New fees package Marketing strategy Student target setting eServices for students Online 1 st for staff New website & intranet ACADEMIC REPUTATION STUDENT EXPERIENCE INNOVATION, ENTERPRISE, CITIZENSHIP INTERNATIONALISATION