O CTOBER 17, 2014 Homework : Review your notes pgs Compare with the lesson Slides on my website (Daily Lesson Slides 10/13- 10/17). Do Now: Write down H.W --- Update T.O.C.--- pg. 24 : Valence Electrons- Dot Diagrams - Take out Valence Electrons worksheets from yesterday…,colored periodic tables, family summaries.
Skip Transition Metals 3-12
W HY DO ELEMENTS REACT ?? Did each family on the periodic table react with other elements? Why?? They want a full/stable Shell!! Give or take Valence electrons are shared or taken during chemical reactions- creating bonds. Elements in the same group/family react similarly.
ELECTRON D OT D IAGRAMS Model the amount of valence electrons that exist for an element. Turn to pg. 57 in your textbook. And look at Figure 6- What do those Dots represent? What is the trend in valence electrons from the elements lithium to neon?
P ERIODIC T ABLE T RENDS - V ALENCE ELECTRONS Trends: The number of valence electrons (dots) increases from left to right This shows that each element is in a different group (the number of dots represents the group number) -Remember we skip transition metals 3-12 and drop the one from group numbers (only when talking about the number of valence electrons Each of the elements listed is in period 2 of the periodic table Now draw Period 3 elements underneath period 2- What trends do you notice now?
Groups/ Family Names
Alkali Metal Family G 1 Alkaline Earth Metal s G2 Transition Metal Family Boron Family Carbon Family Nitrogen Family Oxygen family Halogen Family Noble Gas Family