Claudio Allocchio - VP Technical Programme TERENA GA - Poznan June TERENA & Grids a new role? Claudio Allocchio VP Technical Programme TERENA GA - Poznan June
Claudio Allocchio - VP Technical Programme TERENA GA - Poznan June EGEE (2003 plan) The TEC, following last GA discussion and advice, believes it is a strategic move to belong to a project such as EGEE: –To help coordinating between Grid and NRENs communities (coordination and cross dissemination), with positive effects also on Campus issues –To create synergy for all other possible FP6 projects where TERENA is being contacted as dissemination partner
Claudio Allocchio - VP Technical Programme TERENA GA - Poznan June EGEE (current) TERENA, Dissemination (NA2) coordinator, with main tasks as: Provide a lively, up to date and technically informative WEB site (entry point to EGEE) Provide Mailing Lists Preparation of printed material Internal liaison between TERENA TF and project activities and Grid activities
Claudio Allocchio - VP Technical Programme TERENA GA - Poznan June EGEE YEAR 1 Resources (1 April 2004 – 31 March 2005) Committed effort 36 pm Delivered effort pm Jo Barnett 100% Jim Buddin 100% ITS and Mgmt1 FTE in total Income received : € 201,312 Expenditure: € 444,106
Claudio Allocchio - VP Technical Programme TERENA GA - Poznan June EGEE YEAR 1 Feedback (1 April 2004 – 31 March 2005) TERENA did a very good job, which is widely appreciated both inside and outside EGEE Raised profile of TERENA within EGEE / GRID community Information flow to TERENA members has been sporadic Resouce consuming with respect with expected "internal" information dissemination/fostering
Claudio Allocchio - VP Technical Programme TERENA GA - Poznan June How to make a proposal? (1) TERENA, Technical supervisor of collaboration among grid projects (including EGEE and the upcoming ones) activites, related TFs and NRENs TERENA supports and helps the publicity dissemination activity, but somebody else take the leadership of this activity Migrate from EGEE "publicity towards external world" into "dissemination/information exchange involving NRENs and other grid projects" (in or out?) TF-EMC2, EUGridPMA, GGF and Internet2 collaborations
Claudio Allocchio - VP Technical Programme TERENA GA - Poznan June How to make a proposal? (2) TERENA should take the initiative to make the proposal change: We are very good in bringing people/organizations together to exchange information and setup collaborations We have seen, expecially from the GRID-NRENs workshop, where the live problems of grid projects (including EGEE) are, and we can seriously help in solving them TERENA members need this information coming from grid community (including EGEE) to flow towards them and back to grid users
Claudio Allocchio - VP Technical Programme TERENA GA - Poznan June How to make a proposal? (3) TERENA How To? establishing a sort of information exchage channel between TFs and related grid projects (old and new) working areas promoting coordinated technical activites, like for example the establishment of an AAI which should be usable both by grid activites and by "normal" NRENs users (even if with different attributes...) providing technical forum for joint meetings of the above (not the only ones) groups, etc...
Claudio Allocchio - VP Technical Programme TERENA GA - Poznan June How to make a proposal? (4) From "inside" or from "outside"? The grid/NREN workshop is likely to exist anyhow "outside" pros: –Less administrative work/management –Looks more "neutral" –… "inside" pros: –Quicker access to information –Easier harvesting inside partners –… Which political message do we want to send?
Claudio Allocchio - VP Technical Programme TERENA GA - Poznan June How to make a proposal? (5) TERENA How To if "inside" ? Send the proposal to EGEE PMB via the Network Federation representative, with a very proactive role Insist firmly on a 100% funded activity for this role, "or no activity at all" When ? --> NOW !
Claudio Allocchio - VP Technical Programme TERENA GA - Poznan June Further Future … short term: workshops … medium term: "cluster like" project covering all grid related projects? –How effective could it be? –Just "do it anyhow" ? –Discussion at October GA These issues are INDIPENDENT of being in or out EGEE2
Claudio Allocchio - VP Technical Programme TERENA GA - Poznan June Discussion! Do we agree on starting being a forum for Grid/NRENs info exchange and consensus building ? Do we believe we should stay inside or outside EGEE2 for playing our NEW role ?