V.Sirotenko, C/Al/Db Meeting, 4/25/01 Run_Conf Database Status:run_conf database runs on d0onprd being updated by runGrabber Also exists on development database d0on CVS:package onl_run_db Interfaces:- with COOR through runGrabber - with Electronics DB – TBD, detector people(?) - with user/reco: command line python program runConfigDB.py, need GUI(?) No changes in DB design since February !
V.Sirotenko, C/Al/Db Meeting, 4/25/01 Detector’s Electronics Databases Insert new version of crate configuration into def_crate/def_cards tables via oracle triggers RUN database COOR brun*.dat erun*.dat Run Grubber Inserts new run info (run#,crate list) into run tables, trigger run_conf table to be filled with the highest version crate/card info cfg.dat
V.Sirotenko, C/Al/Db Meeting, 4/25/01 Run_Conf ER diagram
V.Sirotenko, C/Al/Db Meeting, 4/25/01 runConfigDB.py use OSF1:onl->setup -d hdb OSF1:onl->setup d0online **** setup D0RunII onl OSF1:onl->runConfigDb.py Usage: runConfigDb.py command [options] where available commands are: load-default: load default tables with crate/cards data from files load_default_data.dat (dictionary) and load_default_dict.dat (data) Also load some fake data into RUNS table change-conf : add to def tables new version of configuration data from file next-run : insert into RUNS table fake row with next run number build-cfg : build cfg.dat file for run number test : test connection to database
V.Sirotenko, C/Al/Db Meeting, 4/25/01 runGrabber Web page
V.Sirotenko, C/Al/Db Meeting, 4/25/01 Queries to run_conf database from Web
V.Sirotenko, C/Al/Db Meeting, 4/25/01 COOR Brun file Run: RUNS: RUN_NUMBER Time: 2001 Apr 25 08:25:03 UTCRUNS: START_TIME Configname: commissioning/intgrd/trig-intgrd-36x36RUNS: CONFIG_NAME Configvers: 1.0RUNS: CONFIG_VERS Configtype: testRUNS: CONFIG_TYPE Prescname:RUNS: PRESCNAME LBN: 61814RUN_LUMS: LBN, FLAG=BEGIN Comics_Runtype: data??? L3type: REGULARRUNS: L3_TYPE Crate: 107 smt5_1 runtype="data“RUN_CRATES: CRATE_DEC, CRATE_NAME,ATTR Crate: 51 fmns runtype="data"L1bit: min_bias…….. L1bit: zero_bias RUN_TRG: TRG_TYPE, BIT_NUM, PRESCALE, BIT_NAME L2bit: 1 1 TRIG_min_bias…….. L3bit: 1 1 l3bit1…….. Stream: daq_testRUN_STREAMS: STREAM_NAME Shifter: michele??? Comment: hacked cfg.dat??? Run_Type: Physics??? At the same time: CALIB_TYPE, SDAQ_TYPE - not in BRUN files
V.Sirotenko, C/Al/Db Meeting, 4/25/01 Information in RUNS table
V.Sirotenko, C/Al/Db Meeting, 4/25/01 Information in RUN_CONFIG table for crate 0x33(51), FMNS
V.Sirotenko, C/Al/Db Meeting, 4/25/01 Information in DEF_CARDS table for crate 0x33(51), FMNS
V.Sirotenko, C/Al/Db Meeting, 4/25/01 Information in CARD_MODULES table
V.Sirotenko, C/Al/Db Meeting, 4/25/01 Example of cfg.dat file // // cfg.dat written by cfger from /buffer/buf26/ // Submitted/store_1x8_ _001.raw // Sun Apr 8 11:11: // 0x19 MUO_L1 0 // 0x1f FRM_L1 0 // 0x33 MUO_FE 7 0xf3 MUO 0x76 MSC 0x70 MSC 0x74 MSC 0x72 MSC 0x278 MSC 0x279 MSC