With your host: Mr. Morrison
$100Miscellaneous $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Geography Chapter Two Jeopardy! Chapter Two Jeopardy! Religion Physical Features Kush
This was known as the “Gift of the Nile” What is Egypt?
Another name for the Southern Region of Egypt. It was located upriver to the Nile’s flow. What is Upper Egypt?
Another name for Northern Egypt, named because it was located downriver from the Nile.. What is lower Egypt?
What did the Nile River create that allowed Egyptians to settle in the area. What is a 13 mile wide fertile river valley surrounded by desert?
What are the Red and Mediterranean Seas? The two Seas that created natural boundaries for Egypt
Much of Egyptian religion focused on this, otherwise known as life after death. What is afterlife?
Another name for a person’s life force What is ka?
To preserve bodies, Egypt’s elite were made into. What are mummies?
The non-elite were buried in shallow graves in the desert. This provided natural preservation of bodies. What is hot dry sand?
The case that contained a preserved mummy What is a sarcophagus?
A triangle-shaped area of land made of soil deposited by a river What are deltas?
These are strong rapids caused by passing through rocky, hilly land of Southern Egypt. What are cataracts?
This is why Egyptians called their country the black land Silt from the flooded Nile turned the land a dark color
Without these people could have never settled in Egypt The flooding of the Nile-Upper Egypt in midsummer and Lower Egypt in the fall.
These made Egypt very hard to invade. What are natural barriers?
Settlers in current day Nubia created this, the first great Kingdom in the Interior of Africa. What is Kush?
This is the capital of Kush, a city located on the Nile just south of the third cataract. What is Kerma?
To prevent an attack, this leader sent an army to take control of Kush around 1500 B.C. Who is Thutmose I
The dynasty that wanted to renew Egyptian traditions and caused the culture to thrive. What is the 25 th Dynasty?
This caused the last influences of Kush to disappear. What is King Ezana became Christian?
Long-lasting, paper-like material made from reeds What is papyrus?
Imaginary creatures with the bodies of lions and the heads of other animals or humans. What are sphinxes?
At this age, most boys left school to enter their father’s profession What is 14?
Huge stone tombs with four triangle- shaped walls that met at a point on the top. What are pyramids?
Cows overgrazing caused this problem What is fertile soil blowing away causing farmers to produce less?
What are two reasons people visited temples? What are worship, offer the gods gifts, and ask for favors?