Molecular taxonomy in Neotropical Passeriformes Fabrício R. Santos Associate Professor Dep. de Biologia Geral, ICB Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
Megadiversity Mexico 450 Colombia 456 China 499 Indonesia 515 Brazil 524 Mammals Brazil 468 Indonesia 511 Colombia 520 Mexico 717 Australia 755 Reptiles China 274 Mexico 284 Ecuador 402 Brazil 517 Colombia 583 Amphibians Australia Mexico China Colombia Brazil Vascular plants Country and species numbersGroup Venezuela 1308 Ecuador 1435 Brazil 1573 Peru 1705 Colombia 1721 Birds 10 % of 1.4 million known species
Brazilian Amazon
Biodiversity hotspots Atlantic Rain Forest Cerrado (Brazilian savanna)
Taxonomic difficulties Many species are largely distributed and fragmented; Phylogeographic studies indicate existence of many intraspecific divergent clades, even for species with samples limited geographically; Majority of species are still to be formally described; Collections are poor sources of vouchers, with few exceptions; A large investment is needed for new and representative samplings.
Molecular identification of known spp All 260 known species of North-American birds
Bird Genetics in the lab Population Genetics Phylogeography Systematics and phylogeny Reproductive behavior Molecular taxonomy
Molecular Methodology Extraction, storage, catalog Tissue/specimen collection PCR Sequencing data MegaBACE Data Analysis
mtDNA D-Loop ND5 H-strand ND4 ND4L ND3 CO III L-strand ND6 ND2 ND1 CO II Small ribosomal RNA Large ribosomal RNA ATPase subunit 8 ATPase subunit 6 Cytochrome b CO I
COI sequences Divergent individuals chosen for COI sequencing after phylogeographic inspection. High quality sequence data ( bp): large PCR amplicons as template, two independent PCR products, double strand sequencing, careful edition of consensus sequences based on phred/phrap/consed.
Molecular taxonomy in Thamnophilidae Passeriformes; Suboscines
Inter x intraspecific diversity of COI sequences in Thamnophilidae II IIIIV I T.caerulescens T.ambiguus/ T.pelzelni Maximumintraspecificdivergence(%) Minimum interspecific divergence (%) II IIIIV I Maximumintraspecificdivergence(%) Minimum interspecific divergence (%)
Phylogenetic analysis of COI sequences in Thamnophilidae
Thamnophilus caerulescens Thamnophilus ambiguus Thamnophilus pelzelni Thamnophilus doliatus Herpsilochmus atricapillus Sakesphorus cristatus Dsythamnus_mentalis Dsythamnus plumbeus Drymophila ochropyga Drymophila ferruginea Drymophila squamata Myrmeciza loricata Rhopornis ardesiaca Pyriglena leucoptera Formicivora serrana Taraba major Autapomorphic sites in Thamnophilidae Synapomorphic in each species Character based barcodes 16 spp COI variable positions
Molecular taxonomy in Neotropical Passeriformes A broad geographic sampling should be priority; Details of population structure and phylogeography should be used, particularly for species with large geographic distribution, or likely susceptible to sympatric substructuring due to sexual selection etc; High quality sequences should be used to provide a more discriminating power; These studies should be accomplished closely by other taxonomists, as many more taxa are expected to be found.
Colaborators Miguel A. Marini and team - UnB; Marcos Rodrigues and team - UFMG; Cristina Miyaki and team - USP; Marcelo Ferreira Vasconcelos; Lucas Carrara and team – UFMG.
Team Daniela Eloísa Sibelle Anderson, Juliana e Camila
Support PG Ciência Animal - UFMG