GCRC Informatics Project Sponsor: Dr. Paul Harris, GCRC Informatics Director Members: Chris Heath, BME/EE Adam Nagel, CompE Chris Nash, EE Brendan Soar, CompE February 17, th Spring Presentation
Bluetooth Progress Researched feasibility on web –Read in-depth about Bluetooth protocol –Visited technical forums on web Researched alternatives to Bluetooth –Direct serial cable link –Found Pocket PC serial link vi
Bluetooth Progress (cont) Loaded program onto Pocket PC –Port 7 specified as outgoing, Port 8 as incoming port –Port 6 connected to both Sent data string into port 6 when paired with AIRcable Checked ouput with Hyperterminal
Bluetooth Progress (cont) Sent data to PDA through Hyperterminal Labview PDA Serial Comm.vi creates buffer for incoming data Number of bytes to read must be specified Opening port number 6 creates Bluetooth pairing with AIRcable due to Bluetooth device manager specification
Bluetooth Progress (cont) Edited PDA Serial Comm.vi and created custom.vi for our program Algorithm opens/ closes Bluetooth connection with program and sends data at original time Algorithm compiled and placed on PDA and succesfully run Data saved in text file on PDA
Other Progress Front Panel configured for display on PDA Parsing edited to deal with additional bits added by either Bluetooth protocol or AIRcable Identified several improvements to make to algorithm Ran study on effect of Coca-Cola on blood pressure
Database Connectivity Progress Created.dll –Exporting functions LabVIEW can call.dll on PC –C++ renaming convention Can pass data between.dll and VI
New Problems Getting.dll’s to load onto PDA –Even NI’s.dll example program won’t load –Plan on contacting National Instruments technical support Linking.dll’s with MFC
Goals for Next Week Work on error-handling functions for algorithm Work with Dr. Harris to tweak front panel to his liking Identify any ways to make program more robust Talk to NI tech support –Get DLL loaded onto Pocket PC Link DLL’s