Ben Schaeffer Gehad Shaat Jessie Truong Nathen Upperman Tin Nguyen Portland State University - Winter 2011
Introduction to Einstein What we did and what we used Image Processing Software management Portland State University - Winter 2011
Portland State University - Winter 2011
Bluetooth API and implementation Servo controller application Android application (robot remote control) with voice recognition object and human detection application Text-to-speech Integration of all previously mentioned component into einsteinBrain Efficient Power system CUDA & TBB base program Portland State University - Winter 2011
IDE ◦ Visual studio 2008 (developing C++ application) ◦ RobotC (developing NXT application) ◦ Appinventor ( developing android application) Libraries ◦ OpenCv 2.2 C/C++ ◦.NET C++ Framework ◦ CUDA toolkit ◦ NVIDIA Performance Primitives (NPP) library ◦ GPU Computing SDK ◦ TBB (Threading Building Blocks) Hardware ◦ NXT ◦ Maestro servo controller ◦ DC motors with Hitechnic controller ◦ self-built power distribution system ◦ 16 V battery Subversion for managing resources and documents Portland State University - Winter 2011
Use neural network to improve Einstein's Artificial intelligence Make him better good looking! replace NXT with a powerful microcontroller more balanced weight of the body improve power efficiency add wireless camera add more sensors & stereo camera replace the neck motor with servo use of CUDA & TBB to improve speed Portland State University - Winter 2011
We did the following processing on images ◦ Find colored objects ◦ Detect how many beats per minutes for a drumstick ◦ Face detection with area estimation Portland State University - Winter 2011
Load the picture normally Upload to gpu Process image using GPU functions src = imread("file.jpg", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); GpuSrc.upload(src); cv::gpu::matchTemplate(GpuSrc,GpuTmplt,GpuDst, CV_TM_CCORR_NORMED); Portland State University - Winter 2011
Power solutions are critical. Camera choice is important. Organize all SW components early. Design for speed!