Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/23/11 Department of Arts and Culture BUDGET AND EXPENDITURE: 2010/11 11
9/23/11 Virement and roll-overs Programmes Main Appropriation 2010/11 Roll-overs and adjustments Virements Final Appropriation 2010/11 R’ Administration154,56823,45818,010196, Arts and Culture in Society 327,121100,28354,762482, National Language Service 93,483491(370)93, Cultural Development and International Co-operation 206,70819,2402,501228, Heritage993,943(109,677)(78,128)806,138 6.Archives, Records, Libraries and Heraldic Services 630, ,225634,852 Total2,406,72034,525-2,441,245 22
9/23/11 Per Economic Classification Economic Classification Main Appropriation 2010/11 Roll-overs and adjustments Virements Final Appropriation 2010/11 R’000 Compensation149,0073, ,907 Goods and Services162,05258,2675,842226,161 Financial transactions in Assets and Liabilities Provinces & Municipalities 512,660-- Dept Agencies & Accounts & Non Profit Organisations 1,336,442(10,000)-1,326,442 Households239,981(17,642)(6,339)216,000 Gifts and Donations265 Machinery & Equipment 6,578-- Total2,406,72034,525-2,441,245 33
9/23/11 Virements Capital Works – All funds relating to Capital Works Projects have historically been budgeted for under Programme 5: Heritage – This principle also applied for the 2010/11 financial year – The Department however also contributes to Capital Works Projects at its Playhouses and other institutions by means of a direct transfer – The National Treasury indicated that the funds transferred needed to be allocated as subsidies to these institutions and accounted for under the Programme that they preside in – After obtaining Treasury approval an amount of R100 million was shifted from Programme 5: Heritage Promotion, Transfers and Subsidies, Capital Works to Programme 2: Arts and Culture in Society, Transfers and Subsidies and promulgated in the Adjustments Estimates of 2010/11 44
9/23/11 Virements(continued) During the Adjustments Estimates of 2010/11 an amount of R10 million was shifted from Programme 5: Heritage Promotion, Transfers and Subsidies, Capital Works to Programme 1: Administration to supplement the Property Management budget, which became inadequate due to high increases in Municipal Services After the Adjustments Estimates for 2010/11 the National Treasury approved virements to an amount of R44 million from Programme 5: Heritage Promotion, Transfers and Subsidies, Capital Works to various Public Entities for them to utilise directly with regard to Infrastructure spending In addition the National Treasury approved that an amount of R36,1 million be transferred from Programme 5: Heritage Promotion, Transfers and Subsidies, Capital Works to Programme 2: Arts and Culture in Society, Transfers and Subsidies in order to pay off a Pension Fund Debt which accrued to Playhouses due to retrospective amendments to the Pension Fund Act 55
9/23/11 Virements(continued) Goods and Services, Households and Machinery and Equipment – During the Adjustments Estimates for 2010/11, funds that were incorrectly classified in the 2010 ENE were reclassified as follows: After the Adjustments Estimates the following shifts were done: Goods and ServicesR48,267 million Households(R48,267 million) Goods and ServicesR5,842 million Households (R6,339 million) Financial transactions in assets and liabilities R Gifts and DonationsR
9/23/11 Roll-overs from 2009/10 During the Adjustments Estimates for 2010/11 the following Roll-over funds from the 2009/10 were promulgated: Programme 2: Arts and Culture in Society : 2010 FIFA World Cup Projects R12 million Programme 4: Cultural Development and International Cooperation: Investing in Culture Projects 18,265 million TotalR30,625 million 77
9/23/11 Overall Expenditure 2010/112009/10 R’000 Amount voted2,441,2452,632,110 Actual expenditure2,248,8192,224,931 Surplus 192, ,179 88
9/23/11 Per Programme Final Appropriation 2010/11 Exp March 2011 Surplus/Deficit% Spent R’000 Administration196,036190,7985,23897,3% Arts & Cul in Society 482,166481, % Nat Language Service 93,60492,2071,39798,5% Cul Dev & IR228,449187,72240,72782,2% Heritage806,138716,40689,73288,9% National Archives 634,852579,74655,10691,3% Grand Total2,441,2452,248,819192,42692,1% Expenditure per programme 99
9/23/11 Expenditure per Economic Classification Economic Classification Final Allocation 2010/11 Exp March 2011 Surplus/Deficit% Spent R’000 Compensation of Employees 152,907152, % Goods & Services 226,161208,38517,77692,2% Provinces & Municipalities 512,660462,44550,21590,2% Agencies & Acc (Cur) 954, % Agencies & Acc (Cap) 360,783280,99679,78778% Non Profit Org11, % Households216,000175,79640,20481,3% Capital Assets6,5632,1934,37033,6% Heritage Assets % Grand Total2,441,2452,248,819192,42692,1% 1010
9/23/11 Expenditure Progression 1111
Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/23/11 Thank you 1212