Undergraduate Education Dr. Jon Miklea April 2007
OBJECTIVES Preclerkship Update FMIG Become familiar with the changes in FM clerkship Questions and Feedback Thank you for your commitment to teach our students!
PRECLERKSHIP FM presence in Pro Comp 12 mo longitudinal FM experience Recruiting preceptors for mandatory 6 wk FM experience FM Open House-October 25 FMIG
FM Clerkship in the new COMPASS Curriculum January 2007
How has FM Clerkship changed?
What is COMPASS? New curriculum of the Undergraduate MD Program (2005) –Concept-oriented, Multi-disciplinary, Problem-based, Practice for transfer, Simulations in Clerkship, Streaming Emphasis on concepts, mechanisms, integration, application Professional Competencies: longitudinal, pre- clerkship – Professionalization, Self-Awareness; Communication; Clinical Examination; Life-long Learning; Ethics; Social/Community Context
Family Medicine Before 6 week block rotation average 6 half days in the FM practice 40 hrs of ER 2 Early Years sessions + 1 site visit 2 Palliative sessions + 1 site visit 5 Tutorials Written key feature exam Evaluations
Changes…DONE! Content change-National Undergraduate FM learning goals and objectives + CANMEDs Replacing the ER week, 40 hrs Using the Passport to trace the FM clerkship
Changes…work in progress Looking at the Tutorial EXAM Introducing Professional Competencies in Clerkship
Unchanged elements … Time spent in the office and CLINICAL experience Both local and distant sites Obstetrical experience will continue to be preceptor dependant and or via Maternity center arranged by student Geriatric exposure through office cases and/or NH visits which are preceptor dependant …but now there is a formal ‘Care of the Elderly’ NH experience
Con’t…SAME Weekly tutorials for now Mid-term and final Evaluation with Tutor and Preceptor Final exam
FM Clerkship Content Reflected in preceptor’s package and student’s passport = rough guide to replace Encounter cards Helps with recording FM experience
ER experience replaced by: More Palliative care More formal Care of the Elderly in NH Global Health Complimentary and Alternative medicine exposure Selective experience in different areas of FM
Early Years Provide background information to support a proactive approach to early childhood development Teach strategies for comprehensive and efficient clinical practice Enhance knowledge regarding community resources 1 site visit, 2 lec
Palliative Care To provide clinical and educational experiences to achieve the EFPPEC competencies To provide exposure to palliative patients and families within context of an interprofessional team To encourage self reflexion about issues of end of life care 1 site visit, 2 lec,1 ias TOSCE
Care of the Elderly To expose the clerk to a primary care approach to care of the elderly To address key concepts in FM care of the elderly To showcase the long-term care setting/facility as part of the scope of family physicians 1 half day combining site visit with lecture
Global Health To develop an understanding of global health To develop an early knowledge of why global health is important to the practicing physician To consider ways in which doctors can become involved in addressing the broad determinants of global health To understand the role of physician advocacy and responsibility in the context of global health To provide an opportunity to experience an interactive session to demonstrate one, or more, aspects of global health 1 tutorial,1 interactive session
CAM Indentify common forms of CAM Become aware of reasons for pt’s use of CAM Experience and observe the clinical practice of CAM modality Observe/ reflect on differences among CAM practices, and between CAM and conventional medicine 1 lec, 1 site visit, 1 tutorial
Selectives Hospitalist Sport medicine GP Anesthesia Addiction medicine GP Psychotherapy Inner city health Francophone center 2 half days
Future planning So far 2 cohorts of students going through new FM clerkship…No casualties! Evaluation of the new FM clerkship-fall 2007 Tutorial revamping group came up with the new concept Exams are to be reviewed throughout May 25 Electronic access of Passport, Objectives Questions? Feedback!