Buddhism Copyright © Clara Kim All rights reserved.
Founder Siddhartha Gautama credited for founding Buddhism Born in 563 B.C.
Siddhartha Gautama Born in the Brahmin Caste (he was a prince) He led an extremely sheltered life in the royal compound
One Day… At the age 25 he left the walls of the palace He saw 4 men –Old man –Sick man –Dead man –Poor man
What Did It Mean? This made him understand that every living thing experiences old age, sickness and death BUT! ONLY religious life can save someone from suffering
What Did He Do? For the next 6 years he wandered the forests of India looking for ENLIGHTENMENT Enlightenment means wisdom. He becomes Buddha.
Four Noble Truths First Noble Truth: Everything in life is suffering or has Sorrow.
Second Noble Truth What causes suffering is people’s desire for material things
The only way to end suffering is to give up all desires Third Noble Truth
Fourth Noble Truth: The way to get over these desires is to be Enlightened by following the Eight Fold Path
* Steps you must take in order to reach NIRVANA Nirvana – Release from all selfishness and pain Eightfold Path: –Right view - Right action –Right intention - Right effort –Right speech - Right mindfulness –Right livelihood - Right concentration Eight Fold Path
Reincarnation Buddhists believe in reincarnation Different from Hindu belief: –Buddhists may be reincarnated as many times as it takes until Enlightenment and Nirvana are reached. –Hindus believe in reincarnation as a means of rising up the caste to reach moksha. There is the risk of being reincarnated in a lower caste.
After the Buddha died, his followers disagreed over the meaning of his teachings, so they divided…. Theravada Buddhism View the Buddha as a great teacher, not a god Mainly located in Sri Lanka, Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos Mahayana Buddhism Teaches that the Buddha is a god Worship the Buddha and go to heaven. Mainly located in East Asia and South East Asia
Pictures Cited Slide 1 – Slide 2 – Slide 3 – Slide 4 – Slide 6 – Slide 7 – Slide 8 – jpg Slide Slide 10 – Slide 11 – Personal file picture Slide 12 – Personal file picture Slide 16 –