Jeopardy Caste System HinduismWildcardBuddhism Story of Buddha Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from H1 What are two jobs of untouchables?
$100 Answer from H1 Cleaning toilets, cremating bodies, fishing, digging graves, Etc.
$200 Question from H1 What group of people are at the very top of the caste system?
$200 Answer from H1 Brahmins or Priests
$300 Question from H1 What is the dharma of the warrior caste?
$300 Answer from H1 To fight in battles.
$400 Question from H1 What caste is the only caste that can achieve Moksha?
$400 Answer from H1 Brahmin or Priest Caste
$500 Question from H1 List the caste system from bottom to top.
$500 Answer from H1 Brahmin or Priest Caste
$100 Question from H2 Who is the founder of Hinduism?
$100 Answer from H2 There is no founder.
$200 Question from H2 What is Moksha?
$200 Answer from H2 Becoming one with Brahmin (the force.)
$300 Question from H2 What 2 things determine how a Hindu will be reborn?
$300 Answer from H2 Dharma and Karma
$400 Question from H2 What determines the dharma of a Hindu?
$400 Answer from H2 Their caste.
$500 Question from H2 How does a Hindu move castes?
$500 Answer from H2 They can’t in one life, but they can be reborn into a different one.
$100 Question from H3 In what country is Hinduism the most popular religion?
$100 Answer from H3 India
$200 Question from H3 What is one country where Buddhism is popular today?
$200 Answer from H3 China, Japan, Thailand, Cambodia, Sri Lanka
$300 Question from H3 What is the rainy season in India called?
$300 Answer from H3 Monsoon season.
$400 Question from H3 What river is the site of the Kumba Mela festival?
$400 Answer from H3 The Ganges River
$500 Question from H3 Name one country that shares a border with India.
$500 Answer from H3 Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, or Burma.
$100 Question from H4 Who is the founder of Buddhism?
$100 Answer from H4 The Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama)
$200 Question from H4 What is the first noble truth?
$200 Answer from H4 All life has suffering.
$300 Question from H4 What does Buddha say causes suffering?
$300 Answer from H4 Greed and wants.
$400 Question from H4 What is the 3 rd Noble Truth?
$400 Answer from H4 The way to stop suffering is to be aware and to not want.
$500 Question from H4 How do you become aware and stop wanting according to the 4 th Noble Truth?
$500 Answer from H4 By following the Middle Way (Eightfold Path.)
$100 Question from H5 What did the seer say that Siddhartha would grow up to be?
$100 Answer from H5 A great saint or a great king.
$200 Question from H5 When Siddhartha left his home for the first time, what 3 things did he see that upset him?
$200 Answer from H5 A sick man, an old man, and a dead man.
$300 Question from H5 When luxury didn’t make Siddhartha happy, what did he try?
$300 Answer from H5 He tried extreme poverty.
$400 Question from H5 What does “the Buddha” mean?
$400 Answer from H5 He who is awake.
$500 Question from H5 Buddha taught that you could achieve enlightenment by following what?
$500 Answer from H5 The Middle Way/Eightfold Path
Final Jeopardy How is a Hindu Temple different than a Christian Church?
Final Jeopardy Answer A Hindu Temple is seen as a Place for a god to live. Each temple is dedicated to one god. Worshippers walk in, leave offerings and walk out, not staying for any kind of formal mass.