No one left behind Open Systems Reference Architectures, Standards and Platforms for Independent Living and Active ageing: a proposal Paolo Inchingolo.


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Presentation transcript:

No one left behind Open Systems Reference Architectures, Standards and Platforms for Independent Living and Active ageing: a proposal Paolo Inchingolo President Open Three (O3) Consortium Higher Education in Clinical Engineering DEEI University of Trieste Trieste Italy FP7 ICT Challenge 7: Info-Days Brussels Information Days 15 & 16 January 2007

How to achieve the expected impact Enabling cost-effective and trusted multi-vendor solutions through a set of open standards and application platforms – Open-Standards few but realistically diffusible standards, without black zones of application – Open-source (as much as possible) & double-licenses system Join all the serious Open-Source European Initiatives in the health/AAL fields Increase cooperation with US and Japanese analogous R&D programs – Strong involvement of SMEs and large industries in open-source industry- university co-production and new service models – Enabling multi-vendor trusting effective solution through open standards and open-source – Facilitating global and multi-lingual application platforms through open source and interoperability integration profiles and actors – Facilitating technology usage for elderly (and disable) people

How to achieve the expected impact Enabling seamless and reliable system integration of devices and services into the home, on the move or at work – Find technological and methodological solutions to be easily shared at home, on the move and at work environments – Improve wireless integration of sensors and actuators with access points at home, on the move and at work – Simplify networking and trusting rules Generalization of networking means and protocols in the e-health public systems, at home, on the move and at work Simplify trusting mechanisms and rules while increasing safety in a complex hospital – RHIO – homecare – mobile - work environment – Interoperate through integration profiles and actors “Copying” and/or using Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) Model R&D on IHE Laboratory (LAB) Domain R&D on IHE Cardiology & vital signs monitoring Domains R&D on IHE Patient Care Devices (PCD) Domain R&D on a new IHE Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Domain – Studying and prototyping new devices for AAL and vital signs’ monitoring – Creating an European Living-Lab for Independent Living and Active ageing

Target Users, Objectives and Key issues Target Users: People with Age-related impairments at Home, on the Move, at Work – Find common solutions for independent living of elderly people by Enabling them to be in contact with the world (with the wanted people!) Monitoring them at home and on the move, collect and save centrally their data and react when necessary Enabling them to work from home using efficient ICT solutions Objectives and key issues: Develop an open standards-based approach for integrating independent living and active ageing solutions – Building on and extending existing standards and middleware Simplify, unify, reduce in number the existing and/or new standards AND set-up effective interoperability protocols Promote, collect, write and integrate open-source-based middleware – New architectures, standards and guidelines where needed Concentrate on clear guidelines of HTA, HT deployment and education to technology – Seamless integration of required components and services on the move) Careful evaluation and implementation of standard & interoperability solutions – Self-configuration and minimal maintenance solutions Extend existing self- and remote-configuration & maintenance techniques to AAL and vital CRTL – Reliable and trusted systems, privacy Extend existing good solutions to and update for AAL, vital control, remote work, mobile states