KnowARC objectives & challenges Balázs Kónya/Lund University Oslo, 1 st KnowARC Conference
2 Overview of the KnowARC Project Experienced middleware developers Existing ARC middleware Industry, academia application developers
3 Objectives develop a next generation grid solution based on the ARC software moving ARC to SOA achieving industrial quality standards conformance, interoperability, reliable solution not to undermine existing functionality and capabilities of current ARC significant awareness and use of next generation ARC
4 SubObjectives: the details Create a novel, powerful next generation Grid middleware innovative core services and their interfaces cross platform environments by means of virtualisation and sandboxing non-intrusive, low-maintenance implement knowhow-sharing services intelligent user interfaces
5 SubObjectives: the details Promote standardization & interoperability abstraction layers and gateways for interoperability identification and incorporation of standards: standards conforming solution contribution to standardization
6 SubObjectives: the details Contribute to Grid technology take-up promoting grid-bases methods in the field of partners expertise researching applicability of current Grid practices providing KnowARC on popular platforms Windows and Mac OS-X clients KnowARC distributed with one of the standard Linuxes Server components on Solaris and Mac OS-X
7 Research Challenges Core Middleware development Usability issues for non-expert users, low operational costs Security concerns in sensitive fields Working in the era of volatile/emerging standards Proper public interfaces Higher level services Flexibility, fault-tolerance, scalability, dynamic systems: Storage Job migration, brokering, job management Automated provision of runtime environments Novel resource discovery, advanced brokering Accounting Integration of Grid-services with Workflow-technology Taverna, Workflows in automotive industry Complex Grid-services for applications Bioinformatics: Autoimmune Diseases Medical Informatics: Lung Diseases Automotive industry