Welcome to Ms. Dunbar’s Class Getting to know you and me!
A little about me… Melissa Dunbar Children: Corey 19, Kain 16, Sarah 12 Graduated Schreiner University Masters degree in Education and have my Principal certification Native American Love to read, fish, write, and SCUBA DIVE
My expectations of each and everyone of you! Why? Because I believe in you! I know you are ALL smart, and never want to hear differently. You can do anything you try. “I can’t” is the acronym for “I Completely Admit I’m Not Trying.”
What Are Procedures? Procedures are put in place for our classroom so you will know what is expected of you on a daily basis. This will allow us to focus all of our attention on the wonderful world of writing!
Entering Class Procedures The Big, Red “M” Is Your Friend! The “M” on the board represents the Materials you will need for class. Beneath you will find our lesson for the day. Please have these items and be in your seat working on your “Bell Ringer” by the time the tardy bell rings each day. M Agenda Pencil Paper Tool Folder Today we will be playing in the preposition patch!
“Whose turn is it to talk?” Procedures We will all have the opportunity to talk. When it is your turn, we will all listen. When it is my turn, we will all listen. When I raise my hand please freeze, keep eyes on me, and be ready for instructions. I will have something to say.
Absence Procedures I really and sincerely miss you when you are not here. No empty chairs! Do your best never to be absent. I understand sometimes we get sick, but try to always be here. Let’s beat the 6 th and 8 th graders and have the most perfect attendance rewards at the end of the year. WE CAN DO IT!
Library Procedures Push in chairs. Computers are for research or finding a book. QUIET, please. Check with Mrs. Klemstein every time you visit to make sure you are clear. Communication with her is very important. Just be honest! Wipe your feet before entering. Notebooks by the door. Remember, she will accept canned goods for the food bank instead of money for your fines.
Lunchroom Procedures Use your manners. Food belongs on your tray or in your mouth. Clean up your table and the floor around. Talk quietly. No charges. Say “thank you” to the people who work so hard to feed you!
Visitor/Substitute Procedures When someone enters the classroom: immediately there should be silence. Continue on with your lesson. I am rarely out, however if I am, please treat the substitute as respectfully as you treat me. I expect the same good behavior at all times.
Tool Folder Procedure Your tool folder is your organization for this class. This binder will include all handouts and notes you take for each concept learned in class. You will use your tool folder each time you write an essay to help guide you in the writing process. The tool folder will remain in the classroom on the shelf labeled for your class period. Please keep extra pencils and notebook paper in the tool folder so you will be prepared to write!
SAFE ZONE Procedures This classroom is a Safe Zone. No one is allowed to say anything ugly about you or to you while you are here. You are not allowed to talk about others, and others are not allowed to talk about you. You are free to ask/answer questions, share your feelings, and be your true self. If someone calls you a name or is negative to you, they will be asked to apologize and say three positive things about you. We are a family unit in this class and anything you share will remain here.
Finally… I am so happy to be here with you. You are all very important to me. Hablo español. Si usted necesita ayuda a preguntarme.