Fleet Inquiry Institute Museum-Based K-12 Teacher Professional Development
The UC San Diego Science Project The Fleet Inquiry Institute For Teacher Professional Development The Hands On Lab Undergraduate Course in STEM Teaching Science Professional Development in Other Informal Institutions Community Collaboration Around Improving STEM Education: PreK-20
California Science Project Our network provides high quality, standards-based professional development in science to ensure that every student achieves the highest standards of academic performance. We do this by: Developing teachers’ content knowledge and expanding their teaching strategies Supporting teachers in the effective use of state frameworks, content standards, and instructional materials Focusing on academic English language development Creating a pool of expert teacher leaders and university scholars to conduct programs that translate California’s educational policies into sound classroom practices Linking universities, schools/districts together in partnerships
California Science Project
San Diego Science Project
The Fleet Inquiry Institute A place where you can attend to yourselves as professionals. ACCOMODATING OTHER PEOPLE ’ S NEEDS STUDENTSADMINISTRATORSPARENTS We Work Directly With Teachers in the Classroom and Realize….
The FII is a Learning Community That Depends upon a Common Language to do the Work we Need to do HANDS-ON INQUIRY SCIENCE PROCESS SKILLS STUDENT-CENTERED LEARNING HANDS-ON
Take Home Messages All approaches to hands-on science are not alike – each approach has distinguishable characteristics Different approaches to hands-on science support different objectives for learning. Effective science teaching requires using a variety of approaches and matching the appropriate approach with specific content, process, and attitudinal learning goals.
“ Inquiry isn ’ t a student ’ s ability to guess correctly. Rather it is the urge that sends us back to rethink our experiments and investigations, to revise our thoughts and answers. ”
“ Inquiry is realized in the coming together of material and learner. ” -Wendy Saul Beyond Kit Based Instruction Lessons can be modified in specific ways to achieve particular purposes.