Welcome to Nursery
What is Nursery? Prepares children for Reception. Friendly and supportive staff. Consistent and familiar daily routines. Inside and outside space for child initiated learning. (choosing time) Designated areas of learning in the classroom. Learning journals for each child – parent meetings to report progress.
A Day In The Life Children come into Nursery-staff greet and help them hang up their coats. Busy Fingers Small Group teaching activity – focuses on the 7 areas of learning Child Initiated Learning – children choose their own activities from a range of planned resources both indoors and out (whatever the weather! And we really mean that) Snack time-Fruit, milk or water and a story.
Areas of Learning Personal, Social and Emotional Development Communication and Language Physical Development Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design
Learning through play The children in nursery learn through play so we do not produce work in books. Each child will have a key worker. The key worker as well as other Nursery staff support the children’s learning.
Absences Absences – telephone the school office Please ensure your child is in nursery every day. No holidays in term time
Dropping off and collecting your child All parents should wait with their child until the Nursery door opens. Any new person collecting your child- must have a password. Please be prompt when collecting your child.
Nursery session times Morning Nursery is from 8.45am until 11.45am. (Doors will open from 11.30am) Afternoon Nursery is from 12.30pm until 3.30pm. (Doors will open from 3.15pm)
Suitable clothes for Nursery Sensible shoes – no open toe shoes or crocs please No jewellery !!!!!!! All weather clothing – rain coats, wellies or sunhats and sun cream. Suitable clothing for all activities.
How can you help? Please promote your child’s independence at home!!!!! Toileting, putting on shoes, dressing/undressing, eating with a fork/spoon Do a little everyday – share stories, count, name writing, play games, talk Please tell us if there is a change to circumstances at home it is so important!!
Paperwork Please bring birth certificate and 2 proof of address, child’s NHS number on Friday 19 th June. Any parents that receive income support or job seekers allowance please see the office staff.