Vocabulario del Capítulo 5B Vamos a un restaurante! !
To talk about people el hombre t he man
To talk about people la mujer t he woman
To talk about people el joven t he young person (male)
To talk about people la joven t he young person (female)
To describe people and things alto, -a tall
To describe people and things bajo, -a short (height)
To describe people and things corto, -a short (length)
To describe people and things guapo, -a good-looking
To describe people and things joven young
To describe people and things largo, -a long
To describe people and things viejo, -a old
To describe people and things el pelo the hair
To describe people and things el pelo canoso the gray hair
To describe people and things el pelo castaño the brown hair
To describe people and things el pelo negro the black hair
To describe people and things el pelo rubio the blond hair
To describe people and things pelirrojo, -a red-headed
To describe how someone is feeling tener calor to be hot (temperature)
To describe how someone is feeling tener frío to be cold (temperature)
To describe how someone is feeling tener sueño to be sleepy
To talk about food delicioso, -a delicious
To talk about food desear to want, desire
To talk about food pedir (e-i) to ask for, order
To talk about food el plato principal the main dish
To talk about food de plato principal for the main dish
To talk about food el postre the dessert
To talk about food de postre for dessert
To talk about food rico,-a rich (in $ or flavor); delicious
To describe table settings el azúcar the sugar
To describe table settings la cuchara the spoon
To describe table settings el cuchillo the knife
To describe table settings la pimienta the pepper
To describe table settings el plato the plate
To describe table settings la sal the salt
To describe table settings la servilleta the napkin
To describe table settings la taza the cup
To describe table settings el tenedor the fork
To describe table settings el vaso the glass
To talk about eating out el camarero the waiter
To talk about eating out la camarera the waitress
To talk about eating out la cuenta the check
To talk about eating out el menú the menu
To express needs Qué te falta? What do you need? (What are you lacking?) ?
To express needs Me falta… I need/I’m lacking…(one item)
To express needs Me faltan… I need/I’m lacking…(>1 item)
To express needs Quisiera… I would like…
To express needs traer* to bring * -go in yo verb
To express needs Me trae…? Can you (formal) bring me…? ?
To express needs Le traigo… I’m bringing (to) you….
To express needs Yo traigo… I’m bringing…
Other useful words ahora now
Other useful words Algo más? Anything else? ?
Other useful words De nada. You’re welcome.
Other useful words otro, -a another
Other useful words Qué + adjective! How …..! !
Other useful words VENIR*** to come *-go in yo ** e-ie boot verb
Additional Vocabulary Los ojos: the eyes Pg 294 lists colors you will need in this chapter. Colors CAN (and should) be made plural!!