Cornell Note Taking Bilge Dumping in Canadian Waters (Issue)
Cornell Note Taking Page Set Up Big Ideas Big questions or statements based on the article Details Supporting details of the big ideas. Summary: 2 -3 sentences to sum up what the notes are about.
Canada A Safe Place to Pollute? Big Ideas: 1.Why is Canada a safe place to pollute? 2.Canadian Laws for bilge dumping (pollution). 3.Other countries laws for bilge dumping 4.Changes being made in Canada to discourage bilge dumping
Canada A Safe Place to Pollute? Details: 1 a)Each Year 4 times more oil is illegally dumped off East Coast, than is spilled by large ship accidents. b)Low fines and insufficient monitoring and enforcement, encourage foreign ships to dump bilge.
Canada A Safe Place to Pollute? Details: 2 a)Up to 1 million dollars fine as well as jail terms for illegal discharge. b)Average fine is 10 thousand or less. It costs 6 thousand to dump bilge in port.
Canada A Safe Place to Pollute? Details: 3 a)In US fines are 5 times to 1 thousand times higher. 1 million dollar fines imposed on a number of occasions. b)Similar in Europe c)Ecuador 10 million dollar fine recently ordered to be paid to a national park.
Canada A Safe Place to Pollute? Details: 4 a)As of 2002 a fine of 125 thousand given for bilge dumping off N.S. b)I – Stop Program c)Environmentalists demanding for tougher penalties, more inspections, increased surveillance, improved monitoring of ships.
Canada A Safe Place to Pollute? Summary Canada is a safe place to dump bilge (filled with oil) because of low fines and not much monitoring. It almost costs as much to pump bilge in port as it would to pay the fine for illegal dumping. High fines are given in other countries so ships will dump bilge in our waters and take chances of not being caught. Pressure is being put on our government to make changes.