Call for action P urpose A udience T opic H ook Describe Explain Narrative Persuade This is about convincing someone… To change his/her mind about a belief To develop a new belief about something To take some kind of action Convince someone why this... Is better than this... Important factors to considerTherefore... TRANSITION WORDS: reasons why, should, recommend that, need to, suggest that, act on, respond to, change the way, alter, change, fix, move to, renew, try to, investigate, reconsider, change your mind S pelling C apitalization O missions P unctuation E ar 5Pd
Tragedies often change our thinking. Challenging a law is difficult, but not impossible. We no longer live in an era where family demands require teens to have unlimited use of an automobile Call for action The age for operating a vehicle One or two additional years of living can make a tremendous difference in ones maturity Age 15: Driving permit with restrictions Age 16: License without restrictions It makes sense to change the driving age Driving Curfew Curfews will limit the number of hours and specific times that teens can drive Inexperience drivers have freedom to drive 24 hours a day Few reasons for after hours driving Passenger Restrictions Encourage focused operation of an automobile by limiting the number of passengers Available seat belts determine the number of passengers allowed # Passengers = degree of distractions Law makers, parents, and teens Driving AgeSister died in car crash P urpose A udience T opic H ook Describe Explain Narrative Persuade This is about convincing someone… To change his/her mind about a belief To develop a new belief about something To take some kind of action Mandated restrictions for beginning drivers Convince someone why this... Current laws for 16 year-old drivers Is better than this... Important factors to considerTherefore... TRANSITION WORDS: reasons why, should, recommend that, need to, suggest that, act on, respond to, change the way, alter, change, fix, move to, renew, try to, investigate, reconsider, change your mind, permission S pelling C apitalization O missions P unctuation E ar 5Pd Increase driving restrictions for teenagers x
I use to think that raising the driving age was a crazy idea, but I feel differently now. Last month, my sister and her boy friend died in a car crash. The tragic event has torn my family apart. I keep asking myself, “What can we do to keep this from happening to another family?” One suggestion is to reconsider the legal driving age. It isn’t their fault, but most 16 year-olds are just not mature enough to handle the responsibility of driving a car. There is a big difference between the maturity level of a 16 year-old and an 18 year-old. The way an 18 year-old responds to challenges does not compare to the responses of a 16 year-old. Another recommendation is to restrict the number of passengers traveling with a teen driver. Noisy talk, loud music, and the demands of passengers can greatly distract teen drivers. Limiting the number of passengers in the car will limit the number of distractions. Most importantly, limiting the number of passengers decreases the number of injuries or deaths in the event of an accident. Enforcing a driving curfew is my final suggestion for preventing teen driving fatalities. Currently, teens are free to drive when and where they please. A mid- night curfew would take teens off the highways and reduce the number of accidents. A mid-night curfew would also reduce opportunities for teens to get into trouble. It took a tragedy to change my thinking. I hope it doesn’t take one to change yours. It is time to challenge the current law, and demand politicians to make changes. We no longer live in an era where family demands and needs require teens to have unlimited use of an automobile. Your response to this issue will save lives.